15 injured after road crash at Gomoa Odumase

15 persons have sustained varying degrees of injuries after a commercial vehicle loaded with passengers burst one of its tyres and crashed into a tree at the Gomoa Odumase in the Central Region.

Eyewitnesses say, the speeding driver lost grip of the steering wheel and subsequently crashed the vehicle into a tree on the side of the highway.

The impact of the crash was so severe, as all seats of the vehicle got displaced and the passengers sustained various degrees of injuries.

The victims are receiving treatment at the St Luke Catholic Hospital in Apam.

The Apam fire commander, DOI Adolf Ankomah Nuamah, while admonishing drivers to drive with caution, also called on the Highway Authority to put in place speed reduction mechanisms.

“This is a high-risk accident-prone area, so there should be some form of control because drivers will speed or overtake wrongly in that area. This is the second time in the last few days. On Saturday, there was also an accident at the same place. So we are hoping that the Highway Authority will construct some ramps there to control the speed.”
