2022 Budget approved: Minority boycotts proceedings

Parliament on Tuesday voted by 137 ‘majority’ votes to overturn the ruling of Speaker Alban S.K. Bagbin of last Friday that rejected the Motion for the approval of the 2022 Budget Statement And Economic Policy of the Government.

The decision follows an application by Majority leader Osei Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu who raised an objection to last week’s ruling and argued the House did not have the quorum of at least 50% of members to make that decision.

He argued members in the Chamber at the time and voting when the decision was taken was 137, which was less than half of the 274 members and duly captured in the Votes and Proceedings of Friday 26th November 30, 2021.

He noted that the processes leading to the supposed rejection of the Budget on Friday were not in accord with the practice of the House and stressed the policy statement is a major and most important document of the government.

“Mr. Speaker, it requires to be rejected or supported by the appropriate members in the Chamber. The 137 registered as being present and voting cannot support or reject the budget document. So I want us to take note of that,” he said.

The Minority, which voted against the Motion and rejected the 2022 budget last Friday boycotted the proceedings.

First Deputy Speaker Joseph Osei-Owusu who chaired proceedings indicated Speaker Alban Bagbin erred because the motion of Friday was a novelty.

Referencing Article 104 (1) of the Constitution, the First Deputy Speaker argued there is no confusion as to who can vote and the numbers required to make a decision.

The provision, he said, provides that the vote of the majority of members present and voting with at least half of all the members of Parliament present.

He then directed a count of members on the floor, which was 137.

He said, “We have 138 members including me. That’s the majority but it doesn’t mean that all the 138 must vote yes or no. A majority of this 138, their decision carries the day.”

“Now that we have a sufficient number to make a decision I will put the question again.”

He then put the question on the prayer of the Finance Minister of last Friday to which the Majority bench voted massively, especially in the absence of the Minority bench who failed to take their seats in the Chamber.

The Deputy Speaker proceeded to then put the question on the Motion for the House to approve the 2022 Budget and the Majority bench voted massively in favour again.

He said, “All those in favour of the House adopting the Motion say ‘Aye’. Those against so ‘No’. The House hereby approves the Budget Statement of the ensuing year 31st December 2022.”

Minority leader Haruna Iddrisu addressed the media afterwards expressed disappointment in the conduct of the First Deputy Speaker for including himself and exercising a vote in order to meet the mandatory defined 138 members.

According to him, Standing Order 109 denies any person sitting as Speaker either an original vote or a casting vote and shall not retain the original vote while presiding.

“So constitutionally they were also 137. Ghanaians should expect that what they have done is also a nullity,” he stated.

Source: MyPublisher24.com

2022 budgetMajoritySpeaker