2024 elections: Senior journalists pledge to enhance voter education and safeguard against hate speech

Senior journalists from various platforms have pledged to promote peaceful, inclusive, and credible elections ahead of the December 7, 2024, polls.

This commitment follows a two-day experience-sharing session facilitated by the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Commission, aimed at enhancing the role of the media in electioneering periods.

The senior journalists, representing broadcast, print, and online media outlets, adopted a declaration to promote participatory democracy, social cohesion, and professionalism in their election coverage.

They resolved to ensure that Ghanaians are well-informed about the upcoming elections through extensive voter education and fair coverage of political parties and candidates.

The declaration emphasized the need to respect the fundamental human rights of citizens and candidates while discouraging discrimination based on religion, ethnicity, or gender.

“We shall continue to ensure that the electorate in Ghana is well-informed through robust voter education, using our platforms to promote citizens’ understanding of candidates’ manifestoes, electoral campaigns, and polling day procedures,” they stated.

The group committed to actively working against the dissemination of materials that could incite violence or promote hate. They recognized their role in ensuring peaceful elections by refraining from broadcasting or publishing inflammatory content.

“We agree to consciously work against becoming channels and conduits for the publication or broadcasting of materials that can inflame passions, incite violence, promote hate, or threaten the freedom of others to participate peacefully in the electoral process,” they declared.

Below is a copy of the declaration

2024 electionshate speechSenior journalistsvoter education