A Plus writes: ‘This no be NDC matter,’ Ghanaians are angry,

Any time Ghanaians demonstrate against or criticise the performance of the NPP government, NPP communicators will tell us that it was orchestrated by the NDC.

You see, let me tell you this “plain plain”. If you are looking for aggrieved Ghanaians today, please, go to Kyebi!! Go to Akropong!! Is KC not from Kyebi? He is only smiling with you ooo. He is very angry. He told me. Ask him. (bro make I remove your bortos small I beg.)

Nana Fredua “koraa” I’m sure he is more angrier than the moment God saw Eve biting his apple into two.

What about “Enterprise eeeeeiiii, moogu SIC. Moogye SIC adwuma”. Did Asiedu Nketia send KKD? If all angry Ghanaians are NDC members, then tell you what, NDC has gained a lot of members in Kyebi and Ghana as a whole!!

Get serious and stop this misbehaving. The fact that someone is not happy with the NPP or the president doesn’t mean the person is an NDC member!! In fact, NPP members are like many Jehovah’s Witnesses. If they leave JW, they hardly join another church. Many NPP members are not robots. They are very objective and sensible.

Nana Akomea said on Good morning Ghana that he is disappointed in Akufo Addo and his government. He stated that this kind of leadership is not what he expected. Is he NDC? Did NDC send him to Good Morning Ghana?

Hon Kennedy Agyapong criticized the government’s decision to go to IMF. Is he NDC? Do you see how popular he has become in the party? He is going to win your presidential primaries.

The people are tired of your outmoded and foolish communication style. They are looking for people who at least APPEAR honest. Not praise singers who defend every nonsense; that is why Hon Ken is winning.

If you don’t see him winning then you don’t have any business being in politics.

Leadership is 90% communication and 10% facts. Your downfall is not NDC. It is your poor communication and “mad” communicators. 90% of your communicators are always one always a sentence away from the psychiatric hospital.

I see the new leadership has assembled a new crop of sane commentators who are capable of doing a great job. I wish them well. Please communicate from your head. Not your armpit 🙄


~Kwame A Plus