A time of famine: Living word devotional


By Pastor Mensa Otabil

Sunday 15th August 2021


Scripture Reading: Genesis 12

Now there was a famine in the land, and Abram went down to Egypt to dwell there, for the famine was severe in the land. (Genesis 12:10)

Walking with the Lord takes us through different places. Abraham’s story is a captivating one that clearly demonstrates this. Having obeyed God, He moved with his entire family and journeyed to Canaan. He built an altar there and though God told him that was his land, he continued to Bethel and built another altar. Things were going well for Abraham – God was with Him and spoke to him. He obeyed and followed God, and then, all of a sudden, the land experienced a famine. Some key lessons emerge from this:

1. A famine represents need and scarcity. Our walk with the Lord will sometimes lead us through a famine. Is it possible to be right in the centre of God’s will and go through hardship and difficulty? Yes it is. We shouldn’t always be quick to assume God is displeased with us or that the devil is waging an attack on our lives. There are times where we could be out of God’s will because of disobedience, acts of dishonour against Him or living a life of sin. But if we are blameless of these and are at peace with God, it could just be that He wants us to go through a maturing phase of life. 

2. God is with us through the famine. When we go through the famine, God does not forsake us. If you’ve checked your life and you’re obediently walking with the Lord and are still going through difficulty and hardship, you’re not alone. Abraham went through a similar situation and his end was great. Though the famine was severe God sustained him.

3. God tests our faith in a season of famine. The quality of our faith is exposed in the midst of adversity. God permits famine periods in our lives to test our obedience and examine the faith we profess to have in Him. Are you willing to trust God in scarcity as you would in abundance? Or will you rejoice only when things are going well and doubt when things are not? The essence of all we go through as believers is to nurture faith in God. Our daily trust and dependence on Him is so He can watch our faith grow from strength to strength. Our walk with God is a walk of faith whether in famine or abundance.

4. God is able to bless us when there is scarcity all around us. Regardless of the situation around us, God can bless us. He is never handicapped or lacking in options to help His children when they go through hardship. May the Lord come to your aid and satisfy your needs. May He prosper you right where you are.

5. Going through famine makes us appreciate abundance. We are often in a better position to appreciate the things we once lacked than the things we have never lacked. When God brings you to abundance, you easily remember the famine. Never take for granted the abundance God gives you. Thank and praise Him sincerely when you move from hardship to rest and from lack to abundance.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, you are with me when I go through seasons of famine. I look up to you as the supplier of all my needs. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

FamineLiving word devotionalMensa OtabilScripture