Ablakwa vs Kusi Boateng: Minority condemns injunction, says it’s abuse of the judiciary

The Minority Caucus in Parliament has expressed shock a court would grant an ex parte injunction against the Member of Parliament for North Tongu in the matter of the double identity of the Secretary to the Board of the National Cathedral Secretariat.

According to the Caucus, it is appalling particularly when incontrovertible court records show that the man who now claims to be Kwabena Adu Gyamfi with an alias Victor Kusi Boateng only recently obtained a court judgment as Victor Kusi Boateng.

It condemned what it said is a naked abuse of the judiciary by undemocratic elements within the government and the attempts to gag NDC Members of Parliament and prevent them from carrying out their constitutional mandate of oversight using crud and appropriate procedure of how MPs are to be served with court documents; through the Speaker of Parliament.

A statement by the leader of the NDC group in Parliament, Dr. Cassiel Ato Forson, noted that multiple Speakers of Parliament across the political divide have emphasized this in many constitutionally sound rulings and therefore preposterous, cowardly and a desperate effort to stile parliamentary scrutiny and pervert the course of justice.

“To grant an interim injunction preventing further publication on a matter of enormous public interest and to a man of dubious identity is palpable constitutional affront.”

“In any case, the claim by the applicant that the continuous publication of his personal information violates his privacy raises legitimate, legal and logical questions about which of his dual identities with his different names, different dates of birth, different TINS, different mothers and different national IDs actually refer to him.”

According to the Minority leader, ambushing the North Tongu MP with a secret video recording on the premises of Metro TV on the 3rd of February, 2023 can only be the orchestration of a frustrated and lawless cabal.

He stated it is a real travesty that under the current government, offenders are shielded and emboldened while diligent and patriotic Members of Parliament fulfilling their constitutional mandate are vilified, witch-hunted and threatened with imprisonment.

“The NDC Caucus in Parliament expresses full confidence in the impressive, courageous and patriotic parliamentary oversight qualities with which our respected colleague, Hon. Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa has pursued this national cathedral conflict of interest and dual identity scandal.”

“The Minority Group in Parliament hereby serves notice that we shall not be intimidated or cowed by judicial abuse, tyranny and fascist tactics.”

“We are determined to boldly pursue all aspects of this scandal-plagued National Cathedral project and the related matters of conflict of interest, dual identity, diversions, procurement breaches and blatant corruption without let or hindrance during this 3rd Session of the 8th Parliament.”

“We shall be disappointing God and our dear countrymen and women if we fail in this noble mission,” he said.

Rev Kusi Boateng recently filed an order of injunction against Hon. Okudzeto Ablakwa restraining him from further publications on him.

In a writ filed at the Human Rights Division of the High Court in Accra, Rev Kusi Boateng prayed the court for, “an order of interim injunction to restrain the MP from making further public disclosures of the private information, documents, correspondence, communication and property belonging to him.
