Abrefa Damoah writes: Words of inspiration and encouragement to Hon. Boakye Agyarko

The NPP prospective leadership and presidential candidacy race is well nigh, however, not without controversies.

The playing ground is, contrary to known Party policies and practices, very uneven, and overtly skewed by the governing authorities to favour a particular favoured contestant against all odds.

Cash for inducing prospective delegates, even from polling station executives level, just to corrupt their minds against their supposed conscience and mental correctness is flowing like a turgid river, the source of which only God where, and unsurprising indeed at a time when the Ghana economy is declared broke, hence a need to impose e-levy burden on the already indigent majority of Ghanaians.

Hon Boakye Agyarko has formally declared himself as a prospective competitor for the NPP leadership and 2024 presidential candidacy. He’s indeed a man of valour, candour, mettle and integrity that Ghanaians cannot afford to overlook for our future leader.

It has behoved therefore that he is accordingly motivated, inspired, and encouraged to move forward for success and victory from a carefully culled out 1895 poem written by the British Bard and writer, Rudyard Kipling, and modified for this purpose.

If Hon Boakye Agyarko has been able to keep his head, when all about him are losing theirs, and blaming their failures on him.

If Hon., you can trust yourself, when all others doubt you, but make allowance for doubting you Hon., If you have been able to wait, and not being tired by waiting; or being lied about; or being hated, yet not giving way to hating, and not looking too good and ostentatious.

If you dream, and not make dreams your master, If you think as usual, and do not make thoughts your aim.

If Hon. Agyarko, you have met with triumph and disaster, and you’ve treated both of them with indifference If you have been able to bear to hear the truth you’ve spoken, and also seen the hard and dedicated work you’ve done, twisted by knaves to set a trap for fools; or watch the things you have given your life to, being broken, and you are bent on stooping to rebuild them up with worn-out tools and with confidence.

If Hon. Agyarko, you have made one heap of your earnings, and risked it in one turn of political pitch-and-toss, and lost, and started again at your beginnings, and never sighed a word about your loss, If you have forced your heart and nerves and sinews to serve your turn long after they’re gone, and so hold on, when there’s nothing left in you except the will that tells you, “Hold on!!”

If Hon., you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue, or walk with Kings, and never lose your common touch, If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you, If having miraculously survived the lethal pellets of angry and disgruntled frenzied revolutionary assassins at an execution point, you keep soldiering on today as a living soul, If all folks count on you, but none too much, If you have the ability to fill the unforgiving space in your heart and mind with forbearance, yours is the earth, and everything that’s in it, and which is more, you’ll be the greatest of the greats in Ghana, and worldwide.

Adreba Kwaku Abrefa Damoa

Abrefa DamoahBoakye Agyarkoinspirationwords