No exams malpractices – GNAT advises 2023 BECE candidates

The Ghana National Association of Teachers (GNAT) has admonished candidates who will be writing the 2023 Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE) not to indulge in malpractices and any other act or malfeasance which may disrupt their aims and aspirations.

GNAT in a statement issued on August 3, further advised the candidates to throw in their all.

“On the occasion of the writing of the 2023 Basic Education Certificate Examination, BECE, the Ghana National Association of Teachers, GNAT, sends all candidates its message of encouragement, and exhorts them to throw in their all, to achieve success. We urge you not to indulge in malpractices and any other act or malfeasance which may disrupt your aims and aspirations, as well as bring all the efforts and toils to usher you into a future of prosperity and bliss into disrepute.”

GNAT has confidence in you all and wishes you all the best. May all your efforts be crowned with success. We look forward to welcoming you to the arena of higher education soon. Best of luck to you all!!”.

This year’s BECE is from Monday, August 7 to Friday, August 11, 2023.

Read below a statement by GNAT

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