Agric Minister tours 5 Regions to assess gov’t projects

The Minister of Agriculture, Dr Owusu Afriyie Akoto, has begun a six-day tour of five (5) regions across the country to among others assess progress being made in the government’s flagship projects in the agric sector.

The tour forms part of government’s plans to increase production in six tree crops–cashew, coffee, rubber, shea butter, coconut and oil palm.

It is also to afford the minister the opportunity to see progress or otherwise of government’s flagship programme—Planting for Food and Jobs in the selected regions made up of Ahafo, Bono, Bono East, Ashanti and Eastern Regions.

Addressing journalists in the Ahafo regional capital, Goaso, which was his first point of call last Monday, Dr Afriyie Akoto said, the government had resolved to turn its attention to the cultivation of more tree crops to ensure that the country rakes in the full benefit.

He reiterated that, the government was determined to place premium on six more tree crops production. 

The Minister, also charged the District Director in-charge of Asunafo South, Kofi Senti, to, as a matter of urgency, ensure the maintenance of the irrigation facilities in the region to support the initiative by the government.Cashew production.

There were some progress in the production of cashew. However, Dr. Afriyie Akoto, expressed his disappointment at the breakdown of its processing plant at Mim. 

He consequently, gave the assurance that the ministry would  see to it that the machine is repaired.  

Presenting the overall performance of both crops and animal production in the region, the Regional Director of Agriculture, Mr Kingsford Nyame, observed that despite some progress made, both crops and animal production were faced with some challenges.

These challenges, he said, included the delay in the release of Modernising Agriculture (MAG) funds to District Agriculture Development Units (DADUs) and fertilisers to district assemblies.He said the above factors impacted the overall performance of crops and animal production in the region.

According to him, the number of veterinary staff was also inadequate and contributing negatively to the production of animals.

Increased yields According to Mr Nyame, there was marginal increase in yields of crops like maize, cassava, rice, cocoyam, yam and plantain in 2020.For instance, he disclosed that “in 2020, rice production recorded 22,028 as compared to 10,494 in 2019.”

Furthermore, the Ahafo regional director of agriculture said animal production in 2020 also recorded some increase.Poultry production, for example, he stated, recorded a 37.7 per cent increase which is 631,592 in 2020 as compared to 393,772 in 2019.

“Sheep production recorded a 24% change with 47,202 in 2020 as compared to 35,756 in 2019,” he disclosed.

Dr Afriyie Akoto, urged the regional agriculture directors to work with a sense of urgency to ensure that the investment made in both crops and animal production was realized.

He also tasked them to encourage more women in agriculture activities.

A representative of the Inputs Dealers Association expressed worry about the rather slow supply of inputs. 

Later, the minister and his entourage visited the Kenyasi Prison Farm sited on about 200 acres of land out of total land size of 600 acres.

He gave the assurance that his outfit would provide the needed machinery to uproot tree stumps to enable the expansion of the farm.

“We paid a courtesy call on the chief of Kenyasi who also complained about the road network”, he added.

Finally, the minister and his team interacted with some women who were into rice production and promised to support them with machinery to enable them to venture into large-scale production.


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