Ahmed Osumanu Halid write: IGP, kindly watch these acts by some of your men

The Chief Constable, the Inspector General of Police, Dr Akuffo Dampare, I salute you and your officers for your sacrifice for the people. I will encourage you to continue to serve and protect the state and its citizens within the remit of the Constitution and the Act that establishes your outfit.

I want to appeal to you and your lieutenants to act on the activities that some of your officers do or are involved in, which go a long way to tarnish the hard-earned reputation and the amazing successes the police is chalking under your distinguished leadership.

I like the motto of your organization, Service With Integrity. This must be exhibited to the core.

Mr IGP, the following are my concerns and observations concerning some of your men. I am very cautious with the choice of my words in this innocuous piece.SOME, Not ALL.

Firstly, I am always flabbergasted anytime I ply on the Airport – Accra Road. Sir, I see your men look unconcerned as some Ghanaians and their counterparts or collaborators from other West African neighbours “(black marketers’) carry out their brisk, illegal money business around the airport enclave. At the enclave, where your outfit has two police stations: District and Divisional.

Amazingly, your men see and observe this illegal activity going on unabated without any effort to halt it or cause the arrest of the alleged lawbreakers.

This illegal business has been nurtured in the Airport area for a long time.

Chief Constable, this activity will not happen anywhere in the world, especially within the environment where our international airport is located and the presence of our police service.

I am sure you will respectfully agree with me.

I will appeal to you to nip this sordid and disgraceful act in the bud with alacrity.

I know the current Police Administration is not perfect but so far it is the best at least according to my perspective.

My next concern is where some officers take money from sureties before admitting their relatives and friends who are suspects to bail.

Mr IGP, this is unlawful, unconstitutional, illegal and immoral. This nauseating behaviour on the part of those officers should be halted.

I believe you know there is no law that allows payment before a suspect is given bail.

The conditions on bail are clearly stated in our laws.

Chief Constable, kindly watch this one too.

Thirdly, Mr IGP, your men and women on our roads, are the ‘Champions’ of an embarrassment to the service you are working so hard to reform, these officers are nauseating and annoying. Their illegal acts are too glaring and nauseating. They are not courteous and civil in communicating with motorists.. They can jump over a vehicle or forcefully collect keys from drivers they want to arrest.

Mr IGP, kindly remind them of the High Court decision which prohibits them from acting in that primitive way.

Mr IGP, these officers must be trained in the field of customer service.

Some of them act like Ninjas in the movies that we watch.

Fourthly, Mr IGP, your dispatch riders are the other culprits. It is alleged that some of them take money from some disgruntled Ghanaians and foreigners and offer their services to them, by disturbing and disrupting the innocent road users.I am sure they know that it is wrong and unlawful to do that.

Then those officers who are in cahoot with land guards, the less said about them the better.

They should stop aiding these monsters in their illegal act. It is shameful.

Mr IGP, these are some of the activities some of your men are involved in I have observed, which do not augur to your institution that is winning the admiration of the public.

I pray you will act swiftly to salvage or halt the activities of a few offers whose modus operandi is to tarnish the reputation of this decent and noble institution.

Once again, we are grateful for the provision of security, enforcement of law and order and the protection of lives and properties.

Mr Chief Constable, I hope and pray that my innocuous concerns will be acted upon with alacrity.

So far, so good

Ghana Police, the citizens are grateful.

Keep it up.


The Servant.
