Ahmed Osumanu Halid writes: Help them know the law

Laws govern all nations, families, organizations, communities, societies and individuals.

Laws are ordinarily defined as a set of rules and regulations that govern the activities of the people in the country or any of the above-mentioned; countries, communities, families, organizations, societies and individuals.

Without the existence of Law, society would be chaotic and underdeveloped.

Also, the presence of law helps to ensure orderliness, stability and tranquillity in all our endeavours.

It is also to ensure peaceful co-existence among us.

The basic principle or theory of law is that ignorance is not an That is breaking the law without one knowing about its existence will not guarantee him any freedom.

The judge will not consider you as being innocent of the law.

When one breaches the law, an appropriate punishment will be meted out.

It is therefore important for the citizens to be assisted to understand, appreciate and knowing the laws that govern their daily activities.

Basic laws like criminal law, contracts, constitutional matters, civil matters, legislation, rules, regulations, bylaws and other domestic or municipal laws should be given or shared with the citizens. The citizens must be helped.

Therefore, the National Commission for Civic Education, the constitutional body entrusted with the responsibility of educating citizens on their rights, responsibilities, duties and other civic rights should be resourced to help in this endeavour. The Bench, the Bar and the Law Students should also assist in this needed endeavour.

I always feel sad when I read in the media or go to the court to observe proceedings and see some citizens being convicted and sentenced for some offences which they didn’t know were offences and that the laws should be respected.

It is a good omen on the part of some lawyers who are doing pro bono (free of charge )cases for some citizens who cannot afford the cost of legal services. But I am confident that when lawyers and law students join the bandwagon and assist by educating the people about the basic laws, their rights, duties and responsibilities, it will go a long way to help them when they are legally found wanting.

Our Members of Parliament who are known to be lawmakers, should also help in this endeavor. They should have regular sessions with their constituents on the various laws or acts passed by the House or Parliament.

If they are unable to educate their constituents, they can arrange with the Chief Justice or the Attorney General’s Department to assist them.

I will also like to appeal to students of law to sacrifice some of their time and carry out such educational programs in their various communities, especially in the rural communities where access to the justice system is absent to the people.

What about every home owning the 1992 constitution, the fundamental law of the country?

At least it will give some hope to the citizens to have or develop some interest in the appreciation of the laws.

Citizens must be encouraged to have copies of the Constitution and other legislation for their perusal as they peruse the two Holy Books ( Quran and the Bible).

Laws govern our entire activities, we should therefore have some basic knowledge of them ( laws).

Students, teachers, Mallams, Imams, Pastors, employees, employers and all must know the laws that govern them to assist them in their daily. endeavours.

All must know the laws for their own sake.


The Servant
