Ahmed Osumanu Halid writes: Know your gifts / talents and use them wisely

The perfect and heavenly God who is the Creator of all and a master Craftsman has in His own wisdom and perfection given every creature special gifts and talents.

When He created humans, He made them His perfect creatures.

He made them have dominion and control over other creatures: animals, plants or trees, water bodies, rocks etc.

He designed them,(humans) in His perfect style. He imparted some unique traits, gifts, and talents to them.

Humans can organize, think, socialize, explore, work, lead, and undertake many activities, unlike other creatures.

It must be stated that the Good Lord is not a miser like humans. He has freely offered everything to us to make our lives comfortable.

But humans as we are are not content and appreciative, but rather we most of the time act clumsy and wickedly against each other.

We go killing, hurting, destroying, maiming, and do all the negatives just to achieve an ended fame, wealth, and all other vanities of life.

The talents God has for us are many and are in bounties. We should try and uncover these talents or gifts in us and use them purposely.

One can be a professional painter, sweeper, teacher, coach, trainer, lawyer, engineer, footballer, volleyball player, electrician, promoter, public speaker, civil servant, public servant, doctor, nurse, midwife, hotelier, good writer, cook, preacher, and any other area of specialization.

Go for your talents and use use it wisely and productively.

Do not waste your precious time and energy lamenting.

The time of lamentations, moaning, complaining, self-condemnation, and their ilk are gone. Get up uncover your talent and build yourself up.

Do not continue relying on others for freebies.

In our country, Ghana, things are tough as they are in other jurisdictions. The economy is in its downturn. Truly, life is harsh. But in the same environment, some people are legitimately making it.

What stops you from gaining the same?

They survey the environment and apply their talents and they are fine, no matter the quantum of success.

Our brothers and sisters from our neighboring countries have found a goldmine in our country and are briskly cashing in and we are here lamenting, cursing our leaders, depending on some of them, and are being disappointed.

Today, the spare parts and mobile phone businesses have been captured by the Nigerians. They are benefiting from the so-called ECOWAS protocol of free movement of persons, goods, and services to take control of our market.

Our agency in charge of international business and the promotion of local businesses, that is Ghana Investment Promotion Centre has become a toothless bulldog as it has lost its corpus mentis to streamline matters.

Tailoring shoe-making and repair businesses have also been taken over by the Nigeriens and we are here lamenting.

My dear reader, unravel your talent and use it wisely and you will be able to change your status from zero to grace.

God be our Helper.


The Servant
