Ahmed Osumanu Halid writes: The hypocrites in our elitists conclave

Hypocrites are dangerous persons who are pretenders and will always seek for their selfish interest. They go maligning, lying and destroying others.

They pretend to be fighting or speaking for ordinary people, but they have their motive for being loud.

When they are not in charge or are not beneficiaries, then the country and the world are terrible, unfavourable and failed places to live in.

It is disappointing, disheartening, sadistic and appalling when you hear or read the views of some of the so-called elitists in our country. They are full of hatred and unnecessary anger against the system.

I know one vocal Associate Professor who teaches at our premier university, he lobbied his former classmate who was then a Minister in the first term of Nana Addo’s Government for him to be considered for an appointment.

Unfortunately, he wasn’t considered for the position and that was the beginning of his hatred and dislike for the current Government.

Recently, some goons who called themselves demonstrators decided to go contrary to the directives of the court as to what they should carry out with their demonstration.Absolute Indiacipline. They became rowdy and destructive during their illegal demonstration.

Their madness led to the closure of entrances to the 37 Military Hospital.

Many visitors to the hospital were livid at this sordid behaviour by the goons.

They broke the law foolishly and the so called elites were mute. Hypocrisy!

The Police acted professionally by ensuring that none of the goons was maimed or hurt.

We all watched the madness as displayed by the goons on television. Surprisingly, the so-called elites were blinded, they never saw the stupidity of these goons, when they were seen destroying state assets, blocking roads attacking the police and even having the gut to steal the keys of the police vehicle. Demonstrators or goons?

These elites are wickedly condemning the police instead of criticizing these shameless guys. Shameful.

Now that these hooligans have been arrested, charged and prosecuted in accordance with the law, the same partisan elites are crying foul.

Most of their submissions are laced with hatred and baseless emotions.

Journalists are practising freely, civil society organizations which have become partisan wings of one of the opposition parties are doing their things, workers are paid, the Judiciary is working, the schools are functioning, the business persons are doing their jobs legitimately, political parties are politically working, people move freely without any hindrance, the security agencies are legally working, religious freedom and some of these partisan elites will describe the country as a failed state.

Our country Ghana has some economic challenges like many other countries across the globe, but it will be foolhardy to say it is a failed state.

The enemies of the country are the partisan elites not only the ordinary citizens.

God is watching over all of us

I repeat GH is never a failed state.

The haters must stop their hating.

GH will reign, no matter the wickedness of the pessimists.

God bless our nation and make it great and strong.


The Servant
