Akosombo Dam spillage: UG-UTAG expresses solidarity with displaced communities

The University of Ghana branch of the University Teachers Association of Ghana (UG-UTAG) has voiced its concern in a show of solidarity with the individuals and communities affected by the ongoing spillage of water from the Akosombo Dam.

The spillage has led to the displacement of many in the Volta Region, causing distress, trauma, and unimaginable hardships for the affected families.

Prof. Ransford Gyampo, President of UG-UTAG, emphasized the need for urgent action, stating, “We urge the Government and all agencies involved in the management of the Akosombo Dam to devise mechanisms that allow for the maintenance of this important national facility, without the perennial displacement of people from their homes and the untold hardships such exercises bring upon them.”

UG-UTAG also offered its expertise to assist the government in addressing this ongoing issue.

Prof. Gyampo added, “As UTAG, we have the expertise and are willing to help the government in addressing this perennial problem.”

In addition to the offer of expertise, UG-UTAG is mobilizing support for the affected communities.

“While we mobilize ourselves to donate our widow’s mite in support of those affected,” Prof. Gyampo said, “we urge the National Disaster Management Organization (NADMO) to double up its interventions to deal with the plight of those affected.”

The association appealed to both local and international communities for aid.

“We also appeal to all Ghanaians, home and abroad and international agencies to come to the aid of these people,” Prof. Gyampo stated. “Provision of temporary shelter, food and water, medical supplies, etc, will go a long way to help ameliorate their suffering.”

As the communities affected by the Akosombo Dam spillage continue to face adversity, the call for assistance and sustainable solutions highlights the importance of collective efforts in this time of crisis.

Akosombo Damdisplaced peopleUTAG