Akufo-Addo is a great leader – NPP

A Deputy Communications Director of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) Ernest Owusu Bempah ahs aid President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo as again demonstrated that he is a great leader following the address he delivered on the economy on Sunday October 30.

Mr Akufo-Addo in his address said “We are in a crisis, I do not exaggerate when I say so. I cannot find an example in history when so many malevolent forces have come together at the same time. But, as we have shown in other circumstances, we shall turn this crisis into an opportunity to resolve not just the short-term, urgent problems, but the long-term structural problems that have bedevilled our economy.

“I urge us all to see the decision to go to the International Monetary Fund in this light.  We have gone to the Fund to repair, in the short term, our public finances, and restore our balance of payments, whilst we continue to work on the medium to long-term structural changes that are at the heart of our goal of constructing a resilient, robust Ghanaian economy, and building a Ghana Beyond Aid.”

In a statement reacting to his address, Ernest Owusu Bempah said “from acknowledging the existence of the crises to promising to deliver on his programme for Ghana, the President set the tone and outlined some key priorities in dealing with our current difficulties.

“In contrast with the responses of most world leaders to the raging global recession, Akufo-Addo’s tone was cheerful and contained a sense of fellow feeling and humanity. He spoke of the profound economic crises the country has been facing and offered the blueprints in tackling the problem. He was spot on in every meaningful sense.

“But perhaps what was most interesting was the president’s clear desire to take us from the current difficulties to a better place. The President’s central message of hope and vision was loud and clear. He has supervised a fair governance system, delivering quality public services for all.

“Whichever way you turn it, from whichever side you look at it; at the heart of all problems lies in the post pandemic vulnerabilities and the Ukraine/Russia geopolitics.
Not of all, of course, but of most. It’s definitely making matters worse for the entire world.

“In spite of the global situation, President Akufo-Addo is determined to bring back confidence and relief to Ghanaians. He is working towards reaching a deal with the IMF by the end of the year. This will give further credence to the measures Government is taking to stabilize and grow the economy, as well as shore up our currency,” he said in a statement.

Below is his full statement…

Akufo-Addo has shown once again that he is a great leader

When the former Secretary General of the United Nations (UN), Kofi Annan delivered the Special Session of the General Assembly in New York on 30th June 1999 and centred it around balancing resilience and vulnerability, he was talking into the future Presidency of President Akufo-Addo

Yes, President Akufo-Addo has perfected the act of showing resilience in the face of vulnerability so much that his delivery last night has heaved a sigh of relief especially in the light of our current difficulties.

From acknowledging the existence of the crises to promising to deliver on his program for Ghana, the President set the tone and outlined some key priorities in dealing with our current difficulties.

In contrast with the responses of most world leaders to the raging global recession, Akufo-Addo’s tone was cheerful and contained a sense of fellow feeling and humanity. He spoke of the profound economic crises the country has been facing and offered the blueprints in tackling the problem. He was spot on in every meaningful sense.

But perhaps what was most interesting was the president’s clear desire to take us from the current difficulties to a better place.

The President’s central message of hope and vision was loud and clear. He has supervised a fair governance system, delivering quality public services for all.

Whichever way you turn it, from whichever side you look at it; at the heart of all problems lies in the post pandemic vulnerabilities and the Ukraine/Russia geopolitics.
Not of all, of course, but of most. It’s definitely making matters worse for the entire world.

In spite of the global situation, President Akufo-Addo is determined to bring back confidence and relief to Ghanaians. He is working towards reaching a deal with the IMF by the end of the year. This will give further credence to the measures Government is taking to stabilize and grow the economy, as well as shore up our currency.

The President is also determined to restore and sustain debt sustainability. In that regards, he plan to reduce our total public debt to GDP ratio to some fifty-five percent (55%) in present value terms by 2028, with the servicing of our external debt pegged at not more than eighteen percent (18%) of our annual revenue also by 2028.

Indeed, some steps have been taken to restore order in the forex markets and we are already beginning to see some calm returning.

And as the President said, government is working with the Bank of Ghana and the oil producing and mining companies to introduce a new legal and regulatory framework to ensure that all foreign exchange earned from operations in Ghana are, initially, paid to banks domiciled in Ghana to help boost the domestic foreign exchange.

These are bold steps, and it has taken me back to the Great Depression crisis in 1933.

President Franklin D. Roosevelt, the 32nd president of the United States of America showed strength during the 1933 Great Depression.

President Akufo-Addo showed the same resilience during the Covid-19 pandemic. Indeed, he became the iconic emblem of leadership.

The Covid-19 pandemoic dealt a major blow to the policy targets of the world economy. Even the most developed economies in the world, were thrown apart.
It occasioned a need for a creative response realized by the decision of government to order a nationwide lock-down. This affected the social economy of the informal sector and the immediate survival needs of the masses.
President Akufo-Addo was committed to place the lives, health and security of his fellow citizens above economic expediency with the expectation that a healthy population is the most assured situation for national progress and prosperity.

The handling of the situation and the remarkable recovery within a year brought to light the economic wizardry of our economic management team. Ghana recorded a growth rate higher than almost all countries in the sub-region.
Every political regime is affected with crises, unexpected challenges and downfalls. The question is the capability and resilience of leadership to brave the storm.

It took ex-President Mahama four years to half-resolve the “Dumsor”energy crises which crippled the country.

Unlike the Mahama NDC, that deliberately undermined the country, its resilience and national interest for the benefit of their own very narrow interest, President Akufo-Addo has shown resilience in the face of vulnerability. He has shown that when a leader is minded by the oath of his office, he will still rise even in the face of crises.

The NDC is currently hanging on the straw of inconsequential issues to derail the forwrd match of this country.

But once again, President Akufo-Addo has shown that leadership is a cause and everything else is effect.

Ernest Kofi Owusu Bempah Bonsu
Deputy Director of Communications, NPP
