Alan proposes 5-year presidential tenure, 40 ministers; Outdoors Great Transformation Plan

Leader of the Movement for Change Alan Kyerematen has promised to run a 40-man government of ministers and an array of new solutions to dealing with the country’s current challenges.

Ahead of the December 7 general elections, the race for who runs the leanest government is on with the opposition NDC having already promised to administer the country with just 60 ministers.

Vice President and flagbearer of the NPP, Dr Mahamudu Bawumia has on his own promised to rule with just 50 ministers.

Outdooring his Great Transformational Plan; a manifesto for the Movement for Change, the former Trade Minister said a win for his movement come December 7 will see an administration with only 40 ministers.

“I will reduce the current size of government and run a lean executive administration consisting of not more than 40 ministers”, he told a filled conference room as they cheered loudly.

“Eliminate soul sourcing in public procurement and contracting to ensure value for money” according to Alan will inform one of the cardinal means to eliminating corruption within government public procurement.

On the issue of governance and an amendment to the longest-serving constitution; the 1992 Constitution, Alan Kyerematen wants the tenure of presidents extended to afford governments enough time for development.

For him, the Council of State must be abolished to pave the way for a second parliamentary chamber.

“I will abolish the Council of State and establish a new second chamber of Parliament with representation from key stakeholders including the faith-based organizations, traditional authorities, professional bodies, artisanal associations, gender-based organizations, private sector, labour unions, and people with disability” arguing this would allow for a proper representation of interest groups in the decision making of the country.

For Alan, the outdooring of the Great Transformational Plan sets him up as ready to wrestle power from the duopoly in the Ghanaian political landscape.

5-year presidential tenureAlan KyerematenGreat Transformation Plan