Alban Bagbin is becoming a ‘loud-mouthed’ Speaker – Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu

Majority Leader, Osei Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu has charged Speaker Alban S.K. Bagbin to refrain from using the Parliament’s official letterhead in his frequent ‘abusive’ statements to the media.

This follows Bagbin’s response to President Nana Addo’s comment on the recent Supreme Court ruling.

The Apex Court ruling

A seven-member panel of the Supreme Court ruled that deputy speakers presiding over proceedings in parliament can vote on issues and be counted as part of a quorum for decision-making.

The court explained that a “Deputy Speaker is entitled to be counted as a Member of Parliament for quorum” and can “vote and take part in the decision of Parliament”.

Nana Addo’s comment on the ruling

President Nana Addo, however, sided with the court on its ruling after – he said so much time was wasted on the issue after it become public discourse.

He argued that, if they are ”denied the right to vote, [it will mean] it is tantamount to denying the right of the people you represent to have a say in the decision of the Assembly. That will not be right. So, I couldn’t understand all this furore and controversy artificially generated”.

”We are being told that the decision of the court amounts to judicial interference in the work of Parliament. I’m not quite sure that the people who are saying have actually taken the time to read the constitution of our country. It says so in black and white.”

Adding that, ”The legislative power of Parliament [that is vested] that is of the State which is vested in Parliament is subject to the provisions of the constitution. All organs of the Ghanaian State including me as the Head of Executive, are all subject to the teachings of the constitution. There is nobody in the Ghanaian State that is above the fundamental law of the land.”

Bagbin’s explosive reply

In his statement, the speaker bluntly described the President’s comments as ”myopic”.

”Good morning comrades. I have resisted the temptation of making a comment on the judgment of the Supreme Court on the issue of the voting rights of Deputy Speakers when presiding. But the unfortunate and myopic comment of the President has compelled me to let it out. The SC decision is, to say the least, not only an absurdity but a reckless incursion into the remit of Parliament.

“The trend of unanimity is equally troubling. It doesn’t help explore and expand our legal jurisprudence. The President’s comment is myopic and unfortunate. It only goes to worsen the schism between the Executive and Parliament.” A portion of his statement reads

What Is Myopic: ‘lacking foresight or intellectual insight’

Osei Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu’s view

The majority leader in an interview with NEAT FM’s morning show, ‘Ghana Montie’ described Bagbin’s statement as “unfortunate” and “unparliamentary”.

To him, the Speaker’s abusive statements in recent times to justify himself must be condemned.

“He is becoming a loud-mouthed speaker,” he told host Mac Jerry Osei Agyeman, and further cautioned Hon Bagbin to “use your personal letterhead for this. Don’t use an official letterhead from parliament as if we all support what you do.” Source: King Edward Ambrose Washman Addo/

Source: tntnewspaper

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