Alhaji Alhassan Adamu Writes: Mr President You Are Losing It. – Do The Right Thing (Part 2)

Mr President I send you warm greetings from my one corner somewhere under the sun which for me is my primary source of energy. I have come to the conclusion that no matter how maligning, sidelining and tagging meant to gag and probably impoverish we the grassroots, so long as the sun shines we shall survive to take stock of your regime and pass judgement accordingly.

Mr President your regime is losing its mojo gradually and if something is not done about it now it may be remembered as one of the worst in the history of NPP. Why am I worried and concerned. Many had held the belief, before your ascendency to the presidential seat, that you were the messiah and the Johns, before you, came to pave the way for your coming. You had the magic wand to change everything by just shouting the magic word adakadabraa. In fact, not because we believed in magic but because you embodied a true son of the land and a strong believer in the traditions and values of our party. Moreover, you won massively and overwhelmingly at a time that you have clandestinely suspended indefinitely ( 6 years still counting) the three main heads of your party, the chairman, the general secretary and the first vice-chairman.

This singular move and it subsequent victory gave you a total control of the party as well as the government. As, in the minds of many party folks , if you could kick out the leading trio of the party and still win overwhelmingly then who the f**k am I to say fi. No one dares to stand in your way. It totally put fear in every soul of the party and has been the case till now.

Moreover, as the appointing authority in your government, you have used that position to crush all potential dissent by intimidation, non appointment, and unfulfilled promises. Why is the likes of Hon Addai Nimo ignored in your government, why is Kwabena Adjei Agyapong being mocked and making him look like a jerk in the eyes of many. After indefinitely suspending him you lured him to join your campaign on the promise of lifting the suspension and possibly appointing him as a minister in your government. He is at home waiting for your call Mr President. Dr Amoako Tuffuor saw this your style of control and machinations but unfortunately he could not live long to expose you further. Senior members of the party who were vociferous under President Kufuor suddenly have become cowards and so scared to utter a word against you even though in private they do.

Mr President, whilst Prez Kufuor rewarded persons who were loyal party folks and committed to party work, and even in some cases rewarded non party folks like Dr Bawumia and Dr Ndoum, your style is totally the opposite. For you , you only reward loyalty to yourself . No matter how loyal and active a party member is, you would not reward that person if there is the slight inclination that he may not be one of your loyalist. Instead of choosing party folks who are qualified and proficient, you would go for incompetence and personal loyalty. Two main examples come to mind, In the case of Ntim vs Blay, and in the case of Assibey Yeboah vs Baafi.

Mr President we are getting to the end of the first quarter in your second term. It seems you are too scared to even fill up the position in your government . I remember by the end of the first quarter in your first term in government , at least Mayors and deputy ministers have all been named. The reasons for the delay is quiet simple, there have been so many unfulfilled promises, so as soon as you mention the names of all your lieutenants most of the party folks will go bunkers ( bananas) so you are scared. Again you are scared that having promised almost all MPs for appointments, they may go berserk if they realized they have been fooled again, and possibly boycott proceedings in parliament, so you are scared. Finally having gagged them for almost the entire tenure of your regime they may choose to do what they did to your choice of speakership in the House of Parliament, they may go quiet but dangerous, so you are scared

Mr President, many have seen your MO now and only a few can be fooled by that. Your MO has come to it fruitful end and if I were you I would change it. Your MO caused our huge margins in parliament to reduce from 169 to 137, if I were you I would change it. Your MO halfed your margins from a million to half a million, if I were you I would change it. Your MO has caused disgruntlement in the foot soldiers and the party folks in general, again if I were you I would change it.

Mr President so far you are a lagging in terms of popularity and achievements compared to the Presidents before you at this stage in their government. Your only redemption is to break the 8. Mind you, your actions and inactions have direct correlation to breaking the 8. Are you going to choose personal loyalty over party’s loyalty, are you going to be fair by creating fair platform for all? Don’t be scared this time just do the right thing and you shall be remembered.

Mr President it would be in your own interest to do the right thing by ensuring that the traditions and values of our party are totally adhered to at all times. Mr President you have enjoyed the full support of the base of the party since 2007 not because you are better than other humans in the party but based on a single mantra yenim wo fri tete . Mr President if that mantra was true then, it is true now. So please save yourself by doing the right thing.

Mr President doing the right thing may not be so difficult. Cast your mind back to your forbearers and their struggle for independence and their believe in the traditions of this great party. Ask yourself if your dad and uncles had had this opportunity what would they have done.

Mr President thank you very much and may God guide you to do the right thing.