CAF Women’s Champions League: Ampem Darkoa Ladies book semis slot after win against Huracanes

Ampem Darkoa Ladies, the reigning champions from Ghana, have successfully advanced to the semi-final stage of the CAF Women’s Champions League with an impressive 3-1 victory over Huracanes.

Understanding the significance of a win to secure their spot in the knockout phase, the Nana Mma approached the game with determination. Ampem Darkoa took control from the start, and Tracy Twum provided an early lead with a well-executed free-kick.

Maintaining their dominance, Ampem Darkoa extended their advantage when Tracy Twum doubled the lead with a rebound strike. The Ghanaian giants swiftly increased their lead to 3-0 as Yanyimaya Gnabekan found the net.

Despite Huracanes managing to pull one back through Christiane Ebenye, it proved too little, too late for them to salvage a point.

Ampem Ladies will now set their sights on a clash with Moroccan side Sporting Casablanca scheduled for Wednesday, November 15, 2023, in the next stage of the competition.

Ampem Darkoa