Angel Carbonu slams gov’t over food shortage in SHSs

The President of the National Association of Graduate Teachers (NAGRAT), Angel Carbornu has blamed the government for the shortage of food in some Senior High Schools.

Mr, Carbonu said the current centralized system that authorises only the National Buffer Stock to distribute food to Senior High Schools has largely contributed to food shortages in various schools.

He believes a decentralization of food distribution to Senior High Schools, will address these challenges.

“Broken walls cannot even be repaired because you have denied the schools of resources and centralized it with Buffer Stock. The prices for Buffer stock are inflated above what is on the market, so the government is unable to pay.”

However the Education Ministry has downplayed concerns being raised about shortages of food items in secondary schools in parts of the country.

Speaking on Eyewitness News, the Ministry’s PRO, Kwasi Kwarteng, said his ministry has “not had any such official complaint.”

Despite reports indicating that certain schools currently lack key ingredients like bread and oil for meals, Mr. Kwarteng also said reports about shortages could also be considered alerts for the future.
