Our generation is more evil than Noah’s days – Anglican Bishop


The Bishop of the Anglican Diocese of Tamale, Right Reverend Dennis Dabukari Tong, has scolded Christians for the wanton destruction of nature and rising evil in the world.

“Our generation is more evil than Noah’s days. We fail to think about the next generation, all we care about is how to destroy our resources to be rich, without recourse to what the next generation will live on”

The bishop was preaching at the Saint Cyprian’s Anglican Church in Bolgatanga and said “We need to Repent. God promised not to destroy humankind with flood, but today we are destroying the earth with flood”, citing the effects of the recent Akosombo dam spillage.

He indicated that God does not desire the death of his people. “God is pleased when humans turn from their bad ways. God is only interested in our wellbeing. Wherever we find ourselves as individuals, as a nation, as a church, we need to get closer to God through repentance to be accepted into His eternal glory”

The bishop explained that, once we are told that the physical body turns into dust after we die, because it is made from dust, so, does the spirit return to God who is its maker and therefore should be presented to God as holy.

Bishop Tong admonished Christians to “Live lives that will enable your spirit return to its creator. We need to make sacrifices and offerings to get eternal rest through favour from God. Repent and believe in God and be saved”.

He reminded the congregation of the purpose for Lent and said it’s a call to act responsibly, not just by fasting, but by avoiding anything that affects humanity and nature. We must use lent to rebuild nature, we must begin to restore our soaring relationships with others, brother to brother, mother to son, husband to wife, blood brothers, father to son among others“.

He charged Christians to be bold in seeking reconciliation with God through repentance and be willing and ready to forgive a brother. “Go make amends with your brother and come and make the sacrifice”, he emphasised..

The bishop who is visiting the Parish Church to encourage them to observe the lenting season, said “We need true repentance. If God forgave us and reconciled with us, why cannot we do it too. A broken relationship has to be mended. We are called to suffer for the sake of others. If Jesus suffered for our sake, it is time we too follow the steps of Christ to suffer for others”.

He challenged members of the congregation to be steadfast in the service of God and said “Don’t let us bemoan the coming back of Christ. Lent is a call to act responsibly, not just by fasting, but anything that affects humanity and nature. Use lent to rebuild nature”.

Bishop Tong warned members of the church against over working themselves, and further reminded them of some dire health consequences on their lives and said “We need to relax the body. We are over stressing ourselves too much only to destroy nature. Let us be forewarned and do not be caught unawares”