Aowin Traditional Council reopens with Beyeeman Tano Kwaw Benbuin III as new President

The Aowin Traditional Council marked its official reopening, heralding a new era under the leadership of Beyeeman Tano Kwaw Benbuin III.

The Omanhene of the Aowin Traditional Area was sworn in as the President of the Aowin Traditional Council on the 26th of October, 2023, promising a renewed focus on tradition and community development.

A press release by the Traditional Council announcing the reopening clarified certain administrative matters.

It indicated there is no longer an Acting President of the Council or a spokesperson nor is there any statutory creation called a Chairman of the Judicial Committee of the Aowin Traditional Council.

The release explained the process of adjudication within the Judicial Committee: “When a case or matter affecting chieftaincy is brought to the Judicial Committee of a Traditional Council, three members of the Judicial Committee are appointed to sit and adjudicate on the matter. It is from among this panel that one member is chosen as a chairman.”

The Council warned the public about fraudulent letters circulating with the Coat of Arms of Ghana, purportedly from the council.

The Council stated, “The general public is hereby admonished to discard any letter purporting to emanate from the Aowin Traditional Council which bears any emblem other than the one on this document.”

The Council also issued a disclaimer regarding transactions with individuals using unauthorized letterheads.

“This letter serves as a disclaimer concerning any persons who transact with anyone who uses any kind of letterhead as advised above do so at their own risk,” the release said.

The release emphasized that Beyeeman Tano Kwaw Benbuin III is the President of the Traditional Council, and Ms. Sheiktisba Bampil is its registrar.

Aowin Traditional CouncilBeyeeman Tano Kwaw Benbuin IIInew President