Arafat Abdulai, a 20-year-old pump attendant, has been remanded into Police custody by the Asante Akropong circuit court in the Atwima Nwabiagya North District for stealing at Adankwame-Kokobeng near Abuakwa.
Arafat pleaded guilty and would reappear on January 16, this year, for sentence.
Police Chief Inspector Ruth Gborson prosecuting, told the court presided by Mrs Gloria Mensah Bonsu that the complainant, Abigail Mensah, was the manageress of the Adankwame- Kokobeng filling station of the Petrosol Ghana Limited, while the accused was a pump attendant at the station.
She said on January 06, this year, the accused was asked to render the accounts of the past three days’ sales of GHc 8,200, which had not been accounted for.
The accused, however, told the complainant that he was going to withdraw the money from his mobile money wallet at Adankwame and bring it to her.
The accused, on his return, told the complainant that he had been robbed of the money together with his mobile phone.
The complainant, who became suspicious, reported the matter to the Abuakwa police and he was arrested
In his caution statement, he admitted having used the 8,200 cedis to stake Aviator Bet and after further investigation, he was charged and brought before the court.