Ask for your inheritance: Living word devotional by Pastor Mensa Otabil

By Pastor Mensa Otabil

Friday 24th September 2021


Scripture Reading: Psalm 2

Ask of Me, and I will give You The nations for Your inheritance, And the ends of the earth for Your possession. Psalm 2:8

The Lord affirmed the king as His ‘son’. As a son inherits from his father, so the king inherits the kingdom from the Lord. A son has access to his father’s inheritance.

An inheritance is the portion of possessions that transfers to an heir upon the owner’s death. Since God never dies, He forever lives to give an inheritance to His children. God’s children have a living inheritance from Him.

In its messianic fulfilment, Christ Jesus received the Father’s inheritance when He resurrected from the dead. He also received a name that is above all names; a throne that is far above all principalities and power.

In today’s passage, the Lord asks His children to ask Him for their inheritance. God’s children must not take their inheritance for granted. The Lord instructs us to ask for our inheritance. God’s grace makes His blessings available to us but prayer makes them ours.

The Lord directs the kind of inheritance that His anointed should ask for. He said, ‘ask of me and I will give you the nations’.

The nations that God wants His anointed to ask for, are the same nations who were raging from the beginning of the Psalm. At the beginning of this Psalm, the nations are in rage. They feel so incensed that God is publicly coronating His anointed.

As a result, the nations determine to rebel against God’s will. Now, the Lord directs His anointed to ask for these same nations as his inheritance. That is just like God, isn’t it? He catches the arrogant in their own devises.

There is an evangelistic and missional side to this Psalm. It shows how we must contend in prayer for the nations of the world to bow to the Lordship of Christ.

The Lord is able to draw the rebellious unto Himself. He can turn the hearts of blasphemers unto Himself. We pray for the day when all nations shall worship the Lord in Spirit and in truth.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, give me the nations as my inheritance. I receive the ends of the earth as my possession. In Jesus’ name. Amen!

inheritanceLiving word devotionalMensa Otabil