Barika Bagbin pursues her passion: Launches Golden Brown Sugar

Barika Bagbin, daughter of the Speaker of Parliament Rt. Hon Alban S. K. Bagbin celebrated her 10th birthday anniversary on Sunday 20th November 2022.

The young lady used the auspicious occasion to take her first step towards achieving her dream of becoming an accomplished entrepreneur and CEO by launching her first product – Golden Brown Sugar.

Reading a short handwritten statement she prepared at her party, Barika indicated the day is particularly special for three reasons; reaching 10 years by the grace of God, launching her dream of owning her own company, and being celebrated by friends and family who attended her party.

According to Barika, her dream at a much younger age was to become a doctor.

“But I later realized that my passion is to be an entrepreneur in order to become an employer and not an employee.”

“I choose to start with brown sugar and my reason being that as a child I read about problems that white sugar creates in our health. I have also read about the benefits and nutritional values of brown sugar so, through this product, I want to encourage healthy eating in both adults and children.”

Barika expressed much gratitude to her parents and brother saying, “You’ve really made me a CEO at 10, thank you.”

BarikabirthdaySpeaker Bagbin