Barker-Vormawor dares AG to put him to trial: I’m healthy and ready

#FixTheCountry lead convener, Oliver Barker-Vormawor, has dared the Attorney-General to take him to trial.

He expressed doubt whether the state will follow through with the case against him.

He told the Tema High Court presided over by Justice Daniel Mensah on Monday. 16th March that he is in good health and ready to stand trial.

The case has since been adjourned to Wednesday, March 16 for a ruling on a bail application filed by the youth activist.

Mr. Oliver Barker-Vormawor has been charged with treason felony for comments he posted on social media about staging a coup if the unpopular E-levy is approved.

He has through his lawyers assured the court he will show up to stand trial when needed despite the severity of the offence of Treason Felony levelled against him.

His lead Counsel, Akoto Ampaw told the court the case against his client is preposterous and not supported by any evidence.

He insisted the constitution guarantees his client liberty and a right to be presumed innocent.

The court he argued has the discretion to grant bail in all matters and this discretion he pleaded should be exercised favorably since his client will cooperate with investigations. He described as untrue claims by state prosecutors that his client has no fixed place of abode.

“He has led them to three locations. They have conducted searches there”, Mr Ampaw said.

He further told the court he had opted for an independent process to unlock his phone for officers because of the risk of evidence being planted against him.

Senior State Attorney Hilda Craig rebutted the claims. She described the youth activist as a lodger who lives with his friends when in the country and, therefore, has no fixed place of abode. She told the court the state cannot trust him to show up if he’s granted bail. She dismissed claims that the case against the youth activist is not supported by evidence.

Justice Daniel Mensah adjourned proceedings to Wednesday, March 16 to deliver his ruling.

He asked how Mr Barker-Vormawor was doing eliciting the following response; “I am in good health. I am prepared to stand trial. I do hope they take me to trial”.
