Biden condemns Putin’s ‘unprovoked and unjustified attack’ on Ukraine

President Biden has condemned Russia’s ‘unprovoked and unjustified attack,’ after Vladimir Putin ordered an invasion of Ukraine and told Ukrainian service members to ‘lay down their arms and go home.’

‘President Putin has chosen a premeditated war that will bring a catastrophic loss of life and human suffering,’ Biden said in a statement Wednesday night.

‘Russia alone is responsible for the death and destruction this attack will bring, and the United States and its Allies and partners will respond in a united and decisive way. The world will hold Russia accountable.’

An US officials said Biden was speaking to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, NBC reported.

Press Secretary Jen Psaki tweeted late Wednesday night that Biden was briefed on a secure call by Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, Chairman Mark Milley and National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan.

Biden said he will be monitoring the situation from Washington, DC, and will continue to get regular updates from his national security team.

He announced he will join G7 counterparts tomorrow morning, and plans to address the country later on Thursday to ‘announce the further consequences the United States and its allies and partners will impose on Russia.’

‘We will also coordinate with our NATO Allies to ensure a strong, united response that deters any aggression against the Alliance. Tonight, Jill and I are praying for the brave and proud people of Ukraine,’ the statement added.

Nato Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said Russia’s actions were a ‘grave breach of international law’ and that allies would meet to address the ‘renewed aggression’.

He said on Twitter: ‘I strongly condemn #Russia’s reckless attack on #Ukraine, which puts at risk countless civilian lives. This is a grave breach of international law & a serious threat to Euro-Atlantic security. #NATO Allies will meet to address Russia’s renewed aggression.’

‘Once again, despite our repeated warnings and tireless efforts to engage in diplomacy, Russia has chosen the path of aggression against a sovereign and independent country,’ Stoltenberg added in a separate statement.

Source: Daily Mail UK
