Break the power of the enemy: Living word devotional

By Pastor Mensa Otabil

Saturday 25th September 2021


Scripture Reading: Psalm 2

You shall break them with a rod of iron; You shall dash them to pieces like a potter’s vessel. Psalm 2:9

When God gives the nations as our inheritance, He also gives us the authority to break their power.

The hopes of the rebels are thus overthrown, and not only so; the kingdom they opposed is destined to extend to the ends of the earth.

The two phrases used, ‘break them’ and ‘dash them’ are strong words. They almost sound violent. They show God’s resolve in dealing with those who resist His will. At the beginning of the Psalm, the rulers of the nations are those who are conspiring to break free from God’s rule. In the end, the Lord gives authority to His anointed to rule over those who resisted him.

This shows how God affirms His children in the face of hostility. He does not change His plans for His children to appease those in opposition. He does not stop blessing His children to placate those who feel they are better qualified for the blessing.

When the Lord affirms His children, He gives them power:

• Over the powers of evil. In Christ, we have power over spiritual wickedness in high places.

• Over the power of evil conspirators. In Christ, we triumph over the schemes and devises of evil people.

• Over the powers of the world. In Christ, we bring the kingdoms of this world under the feet of the resurrected Saviour.

Because we are God’s children, He has commissioned us to go out into the world and set captives free. Wherever we go, those who are bound in sin must experience the glorious liberty of the sons of God.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, today I stand in the victory of Christ over all the power of the enemy. I proclaim deliverance for captives

breakenemyLiving word devotionalPastor Mensa OtabilPower