Break the power of the wicked: Living word devotional by Pastor Mensa Otabil


By Pastor Mensa Otabil

Friday 4th March 2022


Scripture Reading: Psalm 10

Break the arm of the wicked and the evil man; Seek out his wickedness until You find none. Psalm 10:15

This Psalm presents us with an example of how times of prayer to God should be. After pouring out his concerns about the wicked and how God had chosen to handle them, he affirms His faith in Him. He then begins to believe that God will act concerning his situation; he is now emboldened to place his requests before God.

Uncertainty befalls us all in prayer because we are limited in our scope of vision and understanding. Though we may begin with uncertainty, we must end with confidence in the Lord, with an assurance that He can give us what we ask of Him in faith according to His will.

The psalmist makes two bold requests before the Lord.

• Break the arm of the wicked. The ‘arm of the wicked’ refers to the ‘might of the wicked’. This prayer asks the Lord to disarm those who do evil and render them powerless. When the strength of the wicked is taken away, they are disabled from doing the harm they intended.

We can ask the Lord to disarm evil weapons that are set against us and He will. We can ask Him to take away the advantage the wicked have over us and He will.

*• Seek out his wickedness.* This is a prayer for God to uproot all the evil works done by the wicked. He calls on the Lord to carefully investigate the wicked person’s life and works, until every evil deed is exposed and judged.

When we are faced with overwhelming circumstances, God knows their stronghold. When powerful people rise against us, God sees their schemes and He’s able to pull them out and make a public show of them. When God answers this prayer, He delivers us from evil.

All we need care about is to pray for God’s intervention when the wicked come against us. We need not wonder about what God will do to the wicked as He delivers us from all their works. We can rest in Him to deliver us.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, you are the defender of those who trust in you. Disarm the wicked and uproot their evil works. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

breakLiving word devotionalPastor Mensa OtabilPowerWicked