Builsa South: Clement Apaak allocates GH¢11,200 to fix bad roads

The Member of Parliament for Builsa South,  Dr. Clement Apaak, has intervened to address the deteriorating road conditions in the constituency by funding the supply of gravels worth GH¢11,200.00.

This initiative was aimed at filling significant potholes on the Fumbisi Senior High School Road and Town Wiesi Road, which had become death traps due to neglect by the government.

The potholes had not been filled due to the failure of the government to compensate the contractor, MYTURN LTD, assigned to the task.

Community leaders, including the NDC Constituency Chairman Mr. Caesar Akinkang and Assemblyman for the area, Mr. Henry Ayeng, along with area youth, took to the streets early Wednesday to tackle the problem directly.

After the road repair activities, Chairman Akinkang expressed his gratitude to the volunteers and emphasized the importance of community involvement.

“Your willingness to contribute to our community’s development is highly commendable. I urge you all to keep supporting our MP in future communal activities,” he said.

Akinkang criticized the current administration under President Akufo-Addo for failing to fulfil promises made during the 2020 election campaign regarding road construction within two months.

He voiced the MP’s frustration and conveyed a hopeful message regarding future improvements.

“Mr. Clement Apaak is determined to see all roads within our constituency constructed. We are hopeful that under a new administration led by JM in the upcoming elections, these essential projects will be realized,” he stated

bad roadsBuilsa SouthClement Apaakpotholes