Bullion van robberies: Minority demands probe into deaths of police suspects

The Minority in Parliament has served notice it will file a private members’ motion for a bipartisan probe into circumstances surrounding the death of two police officers who had been arrested as suspects in connection with the bullion van robberies.

The two suspects were part of six personnel arrested in connection with the robbery attacks.

They were, however, reportedly killed during an exchange of gunfire with other suspects.

Ranking Member for the Committee on Defense and interior, James Agalga who addressed the matter in Parliament on Thursday argued the bizarre circumstances under which the two died must be unravelled.

He said, “Officers implicated by people who are themselves, police officers. These are what makes an enquire very, very compelling.”

“We are saddled with the situation where those who are supposed to protect us are themselves engaging in the commission of crimes,” he stated.

Mr. Agalga lamented the calibre of officers that have been recruited into the security agencies and stressed the Minority has already filed a Private Members Motion for an investigation into police recruitments.

“It appears we have allowed our security agencies to be infiltrated by rogue elements.”

“Lastly, it is even more compelling, you cannot all the time expect the Police administration to investigate themselves when matters of this nature happen. The Asewase shooting is a classical example when seven souls were lost in the cause of the operation,” he stated.

Source: Mypublisher24.com

Bullion vansMinoritypoliceproberobberiessuspects