China’s cocoa production must not be a threat to Ghana’s ‘fine’ cocoa production

The Deputy Minister-designate for Trade and Industry, Nana Ama Dokua Asiamah-Adjei has stated that China going into large-scale cocoa production must not be a threat to Ghana’s ‘fine’ cocoa production. 

According to Nana Dokua, what matters most is the value that must be added to the raw cocoa beans and the employment it will create for the Ghanaian people and just not exporting the raw cocoa beans. 

“If we know the history of how Cocoa got to Ghana then and if Fernando Po could not stop Ghana from growing cocoa, we cannot also stop any other country from growing cocoa”

“We have our comparative advantage, which is where we are geographically located right around the meridian and also where we fall around the equator. This gives us the fine aggregate of cocoa that we have in Ghana, which is the most demanded for on the world market”. 

She said we had a cause to be worried if Ghana was just exporting the raw cocoa beans.
