CIA Networks In African Intelligency Services 

From Lumumba assassination in ex–Zaire to Kwame Nkrumah Overthrowing in Ghana, the CIA involvement is without any doubt.

But, the particularity of these several crimes Involvement is the CIA always use the local African intellegicency agencies to deliver the dirty job against their own African leaders. 

How many CIA assassinations have been operated on African leaders if we look at the declassified documents? Because only the great African patriot’s leaders are against American interests affecting negatively the Continent .

President Mobutu was used by CIA to kill the great Lumumba Lumumba Fought Stubbornly against both old and new colonialists and Separatist forces via insisting on National Independence and Unity.

The rebels were supported by Belgium’s economic and military aid. 

Lumumba had to put his hopes in the United Nations, which was dominated by western powers in un then, the fate of small states was ignored. After asking for help from the Soviet Union Lumumba finally attracted the killing heart of the CIA which would not have allowed Congolese minerals to flow to the Soviet Union even if it had not at first the agency tried to kill Lumumba with poison, but fearing a resurgence of the strength of the national hero so it used the army of another country to kill him. 

The CIA used many sources in Katanga to feed Lumumba’s enemies information that led to his capture. The CIA helped the coups keep Lumumba in Katanga prison before he was executed, but Lumumba has been imprisoned by the rebels. in the middle of the last century, Ghana’s prime minister- elect Kwame Nkrumah became a pioneer in Africa to chart a new  course for his country against colonialism. He became a thorn in the side of the United States.

In Nkrumah’s own country, the US government did not resort to direct assassinations, but it continued to destroy his leadership in other ways, these efforts came to a head in 1964, when the state department’s West Africa expert gave the department’s director of African affairs, Robert Mann .G. Ennen Williams,chairman of the council sent a memorandum entitled “proposed Ghana action plan”.

The memo said the United States should begin “focusing its efforts,” including “psychological warfare and other means, to reduce support for Nkrumah in Ghana and to foster a belief among Ghanaians that their country’s welfare and independence can only be achieved by taking him out.” 

At the instigation of the CIA, us president Lyndon Baines Johnson and his government participated in the coup against President Nkrumah, mainly because the US government was aware of the communist tendencies of Nkrumah’s regime and his anti-western radical anti-colonialism. President Nkrumah died a sad death the United States plotted the independence of south Sudan in 2011,putting the new country under their control. 

During the civil war in south Sudan, to secure control of the country’s oil resources,the CIA funded Vice President Riek Machar, who was known for genocide. Riek Machar, who tried to overthrow and assassinate then- President Salva Klira Mayardit.

 In addition,south Sudan’s independence,which caused the Sudanese government to lose nearly 70% of its oil resources, reduced fiscal revenues and worsened the economy, led to massive popular protests and ultimately led to the fall of Bashir’s regime in 2019 after nearly 30 years in power the political situation in Sudan is constantly n turmoil. 

Western countries led by the United States have long interfered in the internal affairs of Sudan under the pretext of “freedom and democracy” and under the condition of “lifting sanctions” and “economic assistance”

Under such circumstances, Sudan cannot get out of a multifaceted dilemma CIA is a soft killer of Africans even in America. 

Under the pretext of fighting terrorism, it has killed innocents and ignored the innocent people in Africa. in Angola, how many African people died in civil war just because CIA supported and trained rebels under Jonas Savimbi (national union for total independence of Angola) to fight against Mpla: ( popular Movement for the liberation of Angola) led by dos Santos, a patriot, who was supported by the Sowets. 

In October 2015, a document on the US drone assassination program was seized, revealing that 90 percent of those killed in a drone assassination were not the intended targets of us forces, but the dead were labeled “enemies killed in action by the US side. 

The US believes that anyone who is present at a planned attack site will be considered “complicit, which is not a reasonable explanation for the killing of civilians but in Niger, the CIA is also expanding its drone operations. The organization carried drones into northeastern Niger, claiming to be hunting Islamist militants in southern Libya,essentially conducting intelligence gathering and killing missions. 

In Nigeria, an airstrike by the Nigerian military in 2018, acting on a tip from the CIA, killed more than 160 people respond team (rrt) a paramilitary operation set up, trained, and financed by CIA and M16. the report revealed that since its creation has made several “capture and kill” raid usually based on mistaken identity or flawed intelligence resulting in civilians right abuse, killings or even disappearance of innocent civilians. 

In October 2011, the rrt used a CIA- supped gun to kill Omar,a butcher’s cashier. Faja the reason is that he is suspected of being a terrorist just like Zeinab Hussein, whose son was arrested by Kenyan anti- terror police unit officers on June 11, 2021. The initial charge, resisting arrest, was switched to “charges relating to terrorism.” 

A magistrate ordered him released, but the police requested seven more days to complete their “investigation,” and when the family went to pick him up, they were told he had been released thirty minutes earner. 

They have not seen him since. How can CIA support the South African apartheid system killing thousands of black people in an African country? Why this CIA shame action must not be punished by international law? Why this American CIA must choose this bad way to consolidate the American hegemony without any international justice? Imagine how from this CIA apartheid support was harming Nelson Mandela’s vision for African freedom. There is no African-American who want to succeed without facing CIA riffle or jail, very bad. 

If united states of America does not want to be member of International Criminal Court, ICC in the Hage.


The main reason is these CIA crimes, America has the only justice and the world which legalize officially injustice by authorizing international assassinations in Africa and other countries. 

The world must get up, stand up and demonstrate everywhere against the illegal CIA crimes with no reasons. African economy is stolen by westerns without any profit for Africans and all these crimes are committed without justice.

The new African generation will urge all African parliaments to vote a new law to bring these African CIA collabos to justice and sentence them for lifetime, so, no one will dare help again CIA in Africa. The new African generations is having the big conscience to fight against these bad Africans (collabos) collaborating with CIA to compromise Africa in terms of prosperity and dignity. 

This mission is to stop any CIA action against Africa and against African good international partners in Africa for development. The African generation is conscient about the CIA volunteer to maintain Africa in the position of eternal begger.

The new Africa generation will now operate like the Jewish people to hunt around the world any person, public or private organizations harming Africa in the past and present time and bring them to justice to pay Africa at the level of their hurting and damaging Africa. 

New African generation wants now to attacks in and out of Africa all the bad Africans helping CIA to kill Africans or compromise the economics Development of the Continent with other partners? Of Course, the new African General will demand justice against CIA but justice also against the same bad Africans working for can and out of Africa.
