UTV Breaks Silence Over Studio Invasion, Attack

U2 Company Limited, operators of United Television have broken their silence following the attacks and disruption of its live programme on Saturday.

The studios of the Accra based multi-media facility was invaded by some group of persons suspected to be sympathizers of the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP).

The action by the group has been roundly condemned by media watchers and group including the Ghana Journalists Association (GJA), National Media Commission and the National Democratic Congress (NDC) among others.

The station in a statement while condemning the act commended the Police Administration particularly the Inspector General of Police for its assistance in bringing the invasion under control.

“We condemn this act of violence and vandalism as it violates our fundamental human rights and freedoms and the independence of the media as enshrined in the Chapters 5 and 12 respectively of the 1992 Constitution of our country. We are deeply concerned about this event and we are diligently taking all security and legal measures to prevent the reoccurrence of this unfortunate incident” management of the station said.

It stated that the incident has caused concern among stakeholders and “we want to assure all that, we are taking all the necessary steps to ensure the safety and and security of our workers, guests, properties, clients and the interest of all other stakeholders.”

The Management further assured: “we wish to reassure our employees that we are here for you and will put in place all the necessary measures to ensure your safety at the works place. We understand that the event, may have caused some distress or anxiety amongst our working team but we want to assure you of management’s support during the time.”

The statement expressed appreciation to the General Secretary of the NPP and its leadership as well as the GJA, NMC, NCCE among others for what management described as “the love and support shown us”.

The management however reiterated its commitment to the values and principles as an independent media organization which will not be deterred by unethical and disturbing activities.

Company Limited