Controversial gay billboard pulled down

Reports indicate that the controversial LGBTQ+ billboard on the N1 Tema motorway has been pulled down.

This was after the Member of Parliament for the Ningo Prampram constituency, Mr. Sam Nartey George and other group members gave the Inspector General of Police (IGP), Dr. George Akufo Dampare 24hours to pull it down.

He said failure to do so will compel them to use the powers of 1992 Constitution to ensure that the LGBTQ+ billboard is pulled by themselves.

Sam George, who is the lead promoter of the Proper Human Sexual Rights and Ghanaian Family Values Bill 2021, together with some other members of the Anti LGBTQ+ group addressed the press on the issue on Thursday morning, June 9, 2022.

According to him, the erection of the said billboard violates section 104 of the Criminal Offenses Act of Ghana’s 1992 Constitution, and as such the Inspector General of Police (IGP), Dr. George Akufo Dampare must join hands with the MCE of the area to pull it down.

“We are by this calling on the IGP to immediately within the next 24 hours carry out the necessary security operations to ensure that this billboard which is an affront to the 1992 constitution is taken down in conjunction with the MCE for the area. Failure to take action, as citizens we will take action as enjoined in our constitution to defend the constitution,” he declared.

Mr. Sam George registered his displeasure after hearing over the weekend that a billboard, which seeks to promote LGBTQ+ activities has been mounted on the N1 Tema motorway.

“…over the weekend our attention was drawn to an illegality, we realized that a billboard promoting the activities LGBTQ+ community have been mounted along the motorway, as sponsors of the bill in parliament and as Members of Parliament we have deemed it necessary to show up here to register in the strongest way our displeasure and our discomfort for this unholy and untraditional advertisement that has been put up on a very iconic road the N1 Tema motorway,” he stated.

Mr. Sam George has since 2021 been fighting for the illegalization of the anti-gay bill currently before Parliament.
