COVID-19 can be the last pandemic humanity will face – Bill Gates

American business magnate and philanthropist, William Henry Gates lll has revealed that COVID-19 can be the last pandemic to befall humanity.

Bill Gates as he is known globally said he will soon launch “A plan for no more pandemic”.

He disclosed that the plan for no more pandemic is captured in his soon to be released classic book.

The Co-Founder of Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation made the disclosure on his popular web blog, the GatesNote yesterday.

He hinted that his book titled “How to prevent the next pandemic” would be outdoored in May this year.

Mr Gates said though it may be difficult for the world to believe his statement especially while still fighting COVID, yet he’s optimistic of his convictions.

He pointed out that the the world has suffered untold hardship over the past two years and it is easy to feel optimistic when you’ve endured the pain many people have experienced.

“But whenever I see the suffering that COVID has created–every time I read about the latest death toll or hear about someone who lost their job or drive by a school that is closed—I can’t help but think: We don’t have to do this again”, William Henry Gates stressed.

He noted COVID-19 has taught leaders across the globe the need to prioritize efforts to prevent pandemics that threaten the very existence of humanity.

“I’ve been following COVID since the early days of the outbreak, working with experts from inside and out of the Gates Foundation, the Microsoft Co-Founder pointed out.

He observed that with such a devastating misery that COVID-19 has inflicted on the world, humanity cannot afford to see another pandemic.

“I’ve learned a lot in the process—both about this pandemic and how we stop the next one—and I want to share what I’ve heard with people. So, I started writing a book about how we can make sure that no one suffers through a pandemic ever again” Bill Gates emphasized.
