COVID: Seek medical attention if you come down with flu-like symptoms during the holidays – GMA

The Ghana Medical Association (GMA) has issued a warning to the public to take their personal safety into their hands and visit health facilities to get tested for Covid-19 if they have flu-like symptoms and to adhere strictly to all safety protocols as they celebrate Christmas and the New Year.

This, Association said, is informed by the alarming daily increase in the number of positive cases over the last week in its Accra and Kumasi COVID-19 testing sites and health facilities.

According to the GMA, the escalation in cases is likely driven by the Omicron variant of the SARS-COV-2 virus that has proven to be more transmissible than the hitherto dreaded Delta variant, which dominated Ghana’s third wave of Covid.

A statement by the GMA described the development as worrying and urged Ghanaians to show concern especially as the Christmas and New Year festivities kick in with their characteristic mass events and celebrations that tend to bring huge numbers of people.

“It is of utmost importance that as we enter into the Christmas/New Year period, we take these facts into consideration, to avert a fourth wave; That the COVID-19 Pandemic still poses an existential challenge to the health of all persons living in the country.”

“That the escalating of cases of the disease if not checked has the potential of further weakening our already fragile health system,” the GMA said in part.

Read the full text of the statement below.


In the last couple of weeks, our COVID-19 testing sites and health facilities have witnessed a sharp increase in the number of positive cases over the last one week especially in the Greater Accra and Ashanti Regions with alarming daily positivity rates ranging between 40% to 50%.

This escalation in cases is likely driven by the Omicron variant of the SARS- COV-2 virus, which is highly proving to be more transmissible than the hitherto dreaded Delta variant which dominated our third wave of COVID-19.

This is a very worrying development which calls for concern by all well-meaning Ghanaians, especially as we enter the Christmas and New Year festivities with their characteristic mass events and celebrations that tend to bring huge numbers of people together.

Ghanaians are therefore entreated to visit health facilities to get tested if they have any headaches, extreme fatigue, fever and other flu-like symptoms and as much as possible desist from self-medication (especially for unproven malaria).                .

It is of utmost importance that as we enter into the Christmas/New Year period, we take these facts into consideration, to avert a fourth wave;

1. The COVID-19 Pandemic still poses an existential challenge to the health of all persons living in the country.

2. The escalating of cases of the disease if not checked has the potential of further weakening our already fragile health system.

3. The non-adherence to the preventive measures especially during this festive season has the potential to further escalate the spread of the disease and its attendant consequences for individuals, families and the country as a whole.

4. All Ghanaians should take advantage of the Ghana Health Service and for that matter governments drive to vaccinate all Ghanaians of age 15years and above.

5. The GMA also calls on Central Government, the Ghana Police Service, all Metropolitan, Municipal and District Assemblies (MMDA5s) as well as the Ghana Tourism Authority to strictly enforce all COVID-19 Protocols at all events and celebrations (and bring all offenders to book without fear or favour) to prevent a potential deadly fourth wave of COVID-19 in the country. As a matter of urgency, social activities such as parties, night clubs, church services, market activities, funerals and other mass gatherings of such nature should be regulated or restricted. Failure to do this, may have dire consequences for all of us come the year 2022.

6. Government should also ensure prompt, continuous and adequate supply and distribution of PPEs to all health workers in the various health institutions.

7. The GMA calls for an urgent scale up of COVID-19 Testing and Contact Tracing for all positive cases as well as strict isolation and management of all infected persons to help break the chain of transmission.

8. The Ministry of Health/Ghana Health Service and the National Commission for Civic Education should re-launch and intensify COVID-19 education. The GMA also urges all media houses to continue their good works on COVID-19 public education till the virus is defeated.

9. The GMA entreats all Ghanaians to take their personal safety into their hands by adhering strictly to all the COVID-19 safety protocols we celebrate the birth of Christ and the New Year.

We wish Ghanaians best of Tidings for the Christmas Season and a Prosperous New Year.

Do your best to stay safe at all times.

Dr. Frank Serebour



COVID-19fluGhana Medical Associationsymptions