Crowned with glory and honour: Living word devotional by Pastor Mensa Otabil

By Pastor Mensa Otabil

Friday 10th December 2021


Scripture Reading: Psalm 8

For You have made him a little lower than the angels, And You have crowned him with glory and honor. Psalm 8:5

The Psalmist introduces us to our unique role in God’s creation. He draws from the first chapters of Genesis and the narration of man’s creation. He presents an answer to the question in the preceding verse about the reason for God’s mindfulness of man. Here are some key lessons he shares in his response:

• You have made him. The Bible unequivocally teaches that God created us. We neither made ourselves nor did we just happen to be. This truth is at the heart of Christianity. We are intentional creatures of God.

• A little lower. Why does God pay attention to “frail creatures of dust”? Because He has made them in His own image, and they are exceptional! Instead of humans being “a little higher than animals,” as science would have us believe, we are actually “a little lower than God.”

The account of Genesis says that God created us in His image and likeness. In our passage, the Hebrew word translated as ‘angels’ is ‘Elohim’. It is a word frequently used for God and sometimes for angels and other deities. So what did God create us to be a little lower than? Placed in the context of Genesis 1:27, the logical reading should be, ‘a little lower than God’. God created us to be like Him and not like the angels.

• Crowned with glory and honour. The word ‘crown’ means to surround or cover with something. God created us in His image and covered us with glory and honour. Our Creator made us to be glorious beings. Our perception of ourselves does not change this. By His will and purpose, he has crowned all men with glory and honour. That is why we must treat all human beings with honour and dignity. Sadly, many human beings choose to dishonour themselves through sin and rebellion.

Whereas other creations like the giant celestial bodies in the universe and animals in their rich diversity are grand, they only reflect God’s glory. It is man alone that represents the image of God. That is why He is mindful of us.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, you have made me to be like you. Teach me to manifest your glory and honour in all I do. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

glory and honourLiving word devotionalPastor Mensa Otabil