Delta Airlines cancels flights to Ghana; Passengers stranded

A Delta Airline flight to Accra was cancelled on Friday following what the company claimed was due to a bad weather report they received from Air traffic control from the Kotoka International Airport.

Thursday’s flight was also cancelled on the same grounds. Stranded passengers were disappointed with the airline for not giving them notification after travelling from different States in the US only to be told about the cancellation at the JFK airport.

A supervisor of Delta Airlines who gave his name as Francis speaking to the stranded passengers said the airline could not be blamed for the cancellation and that they were not going to provide accommodation.

“Almost all major airlines are not flying to West Africa especially Ghana and Senegal due to report from ATC that the weather there is poor,” he told the passengers.

Most of the stranded passengers who had to find their own accommodation included Ghanaians, Senegalese and other nationals.

According to Francis, flights to Ghana and Senegal are likely to resume on Sunday, but this is subject to clearance from ATC and better weather for flights.

Readers would recall National Communications Officer of the opposition NDC, Sammy Gyamfi and six other passengers sued Delta Airlines not long ago over a similar incident.

The seven who were passengers on flight DL156 said they were not only left to make their own accommodation arrangements after the flight was rescheduled from Sunday to Monday but they were also horrified and traumatized when the pilot announced mid-air that the flight had to turn back due to fuel shortage.

Sammy Gyamfi, six others take on Delta Airlines: Demand compensation over ‘horror DL156 flight’
Delta Airlines