Don’t lose heart: Living word devotional by Pastor Mensa Otabil


Tuesday 2nd April 2024


Scripture Reading: Psalm 4

How long, O you sons of men, Will you turn my glory to shame? How long will you love worthlessness And seek falsehood? Selah Psalm 4:2

In this verse, David raises questions. Remember, we have said that questions help us to see God in our situation.

  1. How long? David addressed this question to a group of people that he called ‘sons of men.’ He used the phrase to refer to the leading men of rank whom Absalom had seduced to his side. They joined together to lead the people astray. Some of those who joined in with Absalom had nurtured hatred against David for a very long time. Much of David’s life was fraught with fights and wars. Now, in his old age, David had to fight his son, who had risen against him. All of that led him to ask, ‘how long.’ Like David, we might also have asked ‘how long’ when we feel the stings of those who attack us.
  2. How long will you turn my glory to shame? David was aware of people who had opposed him for a long time. He knew they were determined to turn every honourable thing that happened to him into something dishonourable.

These were people who couldn’t stand that God chose David to be king. The people who fought David’s success were relentless. Do you have people like that in your life? If you do, I pray that the Lord will strengthen you to withstand every evil assault to overturn your success.

  1. How long will you love worthlessness? David described those who were against him as people who had no sense of value – they loved worthlessness. In the old King James Bible’s language, they are ‘sons of Belial’ – worthless people. When such people of low morality disparaged David, it exasperated him a great deal.

One of such people who rose against David was Shimei. On the day David was forced to leave Jerusalem, Shimei threw up a big fuss and hurled abusive words against David. How do you respond to such people? David entrusted himself to the Lord and walked on. Eventually, when David returned to Jerusalem, Shimei came to meet him to plead for mercy – people!

For all of us who have ever asked how long, we can learn from David. We must choose to trust God for vindication.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, my heart is fixed on you. When I’m attacked on every side, help me not to lose heart. In Jesus, name, Amen

heartLiving word devotional