Drama in court: Murder suspect attempts daring escape while in witness box

Kwabena Sampana who is standing trial at the Wamfie Magistrate Court in the Dormaa East District of Bono Region for murder was on Friday recaptured after he fled while in a witness box in Court.

Scores of people thronged the Court premises to have a glimpse of what transpired.

The suspect who tried to escape was rearrested after a hot chase by the Police and other male staff of the Court, the prosecutor, and Detective Chief Inspector Robert Apelkiwine.

He was captured and brought him back to the Court.

He is before the Court with fellow suspect, Kwabena Oppong, for allegedly killing Kofi Kyereh at Kwajumokrom, a community in the Dormaa West District of the Bono Region.

Speaking to the media, Detective C/Inspt. Apelkiwine said the docket of the two suspects had been forwarded to the Attorney Generals’ Office for advice, and the Court presided by Dzifa Azumah was waiting for it.

He explained the suspects had been on remand in Police custody, and that day was their third appearance at the Court where Sampana fled from lawful custody.

Detective C/Inspt. Apelkiwine narrated that when the suspect’s case was called, the handcuff on their hands was removed to enable them to enter the witness stand.

But, he said Sampana took advantage and escaped, saying it took the timely intervention of Police personnel and civilians who pursued him close to 2 kilometres before he was captured and brought back to the courtroom.

Sampana would be arraigned before the Dormaa Circuit Court to face another charge of unlawful escape from custody.

courtDramamurder suspectwitness box