Sunday 27th June 2021

Scripture Reading: James 4:1-10

Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded. (James 4:8)

During a period of fasting we consciously separate ourselves to the Lord. We set our minds on God, dedicating the moments of consecration to Him. Our focus, when fasting, must be on the Lord and not on ourselves.

There are a number of things to consider as we seek to draw near to God.

  1. We walk close to God. The Lord wants us to be aware of Him at all times. Our thoughts must centre on God’s word and His works. We may be confronted by very demanding work schedules and responsibilities, but must make time for the Lord. Carve out a God-moment in your daily schedule. Spend time to read your bible, pray and be in the presence of God.
  2. We walk right before God. The Lord wants us to turn away from actions that do not please Him. The closer we are to the Lord, the further we turn from anything that He dislikes. Seek to develop a relationship with the Lord that is real and sincere. Fasting neither excuses your sin nor expunges it. Examine your life and deal with anything that does not bring glory to God.
  3. Walk by faith in God’s word. The Lord wants us to remove doubts and fears from our hearts. Fasting is not a substitute for faith. Fasting should enhance our faith in God’s promises to us. Faith comes by hearing God’s word so make your goal to read His word in this season of consecration. You’ll see your faith rise as you feed your heart daily with the scriptures.

Today, being a day of worship, let us gather with other believers to worship the Lord and fellowship with one another.

As you fast, desire more of God’s presence. Allow God to take preeminence in your life. Surround yourself with the things of God. His word is sure. He has promised that as we draw near to Him, He will draw near to us. Believe His word and do as He has said and you’ll experience Him in a deep and meaningful way.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, today I come to you with all my heart. Cleanse me and make me whole before you. In Jesus’ name, Amen!

Source: MyPublisher24.com

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