E-levy: Public vs. Republic debate as Majority and Minority spoil for battle

Majority and Minority leaders in Parliament have clashed over the Electronic Transaction Levy (E-levy) and why it should be implemented or not.

While the Minority claimed it stands with the people of Ghana who will be negatively affected by the levy, the Majority insists it stands with the Republic, whose economy is at risk of collapse if the E-levy is rejected.

The banter kicked off when Minority leader, Haruna Iddrisu, during Correction of the Votes and Proceedings on Wednesday 1, 2022 demanded clarity on when the E-levy Bill will be presented to the House.

He pointed to the frantic efforts on Friday 28th February, 2022 to introduce the Bill even when there was no prior indication it would be taken.

He said, “Mr. Speaker, we need to know. When we adopted the business statement the previous week, we were told the E-levy would have been introduced tomorrow.”

“It however got introduced on Friday but then today, as I watched the order of business pursuant to Order 53, I do not see anything relating to the E-levy,” he said.

Mr. Haruna Iddrisu cautioned that on such an important matter there should be no surprises.

He demanded the Majority leader and leader of government business to therefore enlighten the House and the members when the Bill will be introduced and whether it will be taken under a certificate of urgency.

“We need to know, Mr. Speaker, because on this matter as we have publicly said, we want to stand with the public in opposition and rejection of this Bill. We don’t want any surprises.”

“So let the leader of government business indicate to us when the bill will come to Parliament, and in what form should we anticipate or expect it.”

“We cannot continue with this uncertainty; Friday, Tuesday, tomorrow Wednesday? When will we subject the E-levy to a thorough debate of its principles and walk it through consideration and stand for its rejection; as we have already made up our mind.”

“Mr. Speaker, I thought I should raise this matter so that the chairman of the Business Committee will do what is appropriate within our Standing Orders, carrying us along as required under Order 160 of our Standing Orders and Article 106,” he added.

Majority leader, Osei Kyei-Mensa-Bonsu in response explained the attempt to introduce the Bill last Friday was based on some positive indications he received following discussions on the way forward for a hearing on the Bill with stakeholders.

He averred that though the levy has been advertised in Wednesday’s Provisional Order Paper, it is unlikely it will be presented to the House.

He said, “Mr. Speaker, it certainly will not come up tomorrow and that is the assurance and it is not like anybody wants to spring up a surprise. It will have to be decided and I will signal him and then we can agree on a common date,” he said.

Mr. Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu stressed that as the Minority has chosen to stand with the public and reject the E-levy, the Majority on the other hand stand with the republic to ensure the revitalization of the economy.

“We stand with the republic to ensure the revitalization of the economy. If people want to see the collapse of the economy, we want to stand with the republic,” he added.

Source: Mypublisher24.com
