ECOWAS Parliament’s Speaker fact-finding team moves to the Gambia

After successfully ending their fact-finding mission in Cape Verde, Speaker of the Community Parliament, Rt. Hon Sidie Mohammed Tunis and his team have landed in the Gambia ahead of the Presidential elections in December, 2021.

A member of the team from the Gambia, Fatoumatta Njai in a phone interview noted that she hopes the delegation proceeding to the Gambia would look at the signals and compare notes on Cape Verde and the Gambia.   

“Coming from the Gambia, I think this is a completely different scenario from the Gambia, what I have seen and from what I have experienced in the Gambia, I think Cape Verde has been exemplary.”       

She pointed out that the mission was an eye opener, and that the people of Cape Verde are calm and assertive and respect democracy and the rule of law as.

“We met with different stakeholders, the presidential candidates, government, opposition and independent candidates they have all said the same thing and express same concerns and satisfactions.”

She added that it is a good sign for democracy for the opposition and the ruling party to agree in their differences, which shows that the upcoming elections would be fair and transparent.

“They have all given us the assurance that their decisions would be mutually acceptable,” she added..  

She indicated, however, that should the stakeholders have any qualms they would take it to the right place, which is the constitutional court, which is well established.

The team also visited the constitutional court and were the assurance things would move in a fairly transparent manner.  

“It has been a good mission and this is what the ECOWAS Parliament should keep doing.”

“It is better to be proactive than to be reactive. The mission would serve as an early warning and would prevent any chaotic situation from happening,” she added.  

Source: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso  

ECOWASfact-finding teamParliamentSpeaker