ECOWAS states can’t deal with extremism and piracy unilaterally – Dr. Zanetor Rawlings

Deputy Ranking on the Committee of Defense and Interior of Ghana’s Parliament, Dr. Zanetor Agyeman-Rawlings, has stated that ECOWAS member states cannot deal with extremism and piracy unilaterally in the West African sub-region.

According to her, the issues are huge hence there is the need for collaboration among the various member states, which is why there are lots of movements going on in this regard with the Commission and Authority of Heads of States and Governments of ECOWAS.

“It requires international collaboration and cooperation and it means member states should be able to draw one another’s attention to things happening within their territories that may be creating vulnerability for the sub-region.”

She was, however, quick to point out that the issue is not about meeting and having conferences but being able to tell fellow leaders the situation happening in parts of the countries where the armed forces are not having presence.

Speaking with in an interview, Dr. Zanetor recounted that few years back when one hears of piracy, it was mainly at the horn of Africa, which seems far away. But statistics on maritime crime last year indicate that ninety percent of the crime was in the Gulf of Guinea.

She attributed the state of insecurity and piracy to the scramble for resources, adding, “The huge oil reserves in the West Africa sub-region have led to movements of commercial ships, which make it an important region, in addition to the landlocked areas relying on access to the sea for moving huge cargoes.”

She added that in the wake of the spread of violence and extremism, a lot of the attacks are making it obvious that the terrorists are drifting southwards wanting to have access to the sea, and obviously they would want to target Cote d’lvoire, Ghana, Togo, Benin and Nigeria who are on the coast.

Dr. Agyeman-Rawlings also expressed worry at the penchant of constitutional leaders to extend their tenure by manipulating Constitutions, which causes uprising resulting in instabilities.

She was, however, emphatic these are some of the things that most people would not want to talk about.

Developments such as these, she said, lead to gaps within the sub-region that have to be addressed and taken on board seriously.

“It defeats the purpose of having ECOWAS and AU if member states do not adhere to the various agreements for the betterment of the citizens,” she emphasized.

Source: Sakyi-Danso

ECOWASExtremismpiracyunilaterallyZanetor Rawlings