Edmund Kyei Pens Kofi Amoah: Stop The Tantrum And View The Economy From An Intellectual Perspective

Many analysts so-called would sit at the comfort of their homes and churn out flawed arguments with no sound economic basis. How can you describe a country’s economy as “ponzy” whilst the reality of our economic challenges are external, and a global issue.

We all witnessed in this country how some governments led by some party borrowed monies and spent it on buying cars, houses for ladies as well as tripping with them.

These were issues economists were required to react to but was never their priority.

Not in the case of a government who thinks about the ordinary Ghanaian and by so doing, initiate and take decisions that have a direct influence on the livelihood of the citizenry but to eventually solve an endemic crisis in our environment.

There are many Ghanaians contractors in this country under this government that have been awarded contracts based on their impressive works in the past by this government. And these have been an avenue for the circulation of funds within the Ghanaian space, we can mention Kofi Job and so on.

It will be inappropriate on anyone’s side to place emphasis on the few foreigners working on our mega infrastructures and upon that have decided to act in a manner that will make this government unpopular.

Considering the construction of a flyer over for instance, though the contract may be awarded to a foreign contractor but go to the site and see other Ghanaian contractors who are working with these foreigners as partners.

This is a means through which money gets to the pocket of ordinary Ghanaian.

Ask yourself; if such a project had not been initiated at all, the Ghanaians employed there, where would they be?
What will be their means of survival?

Sometimes some analysts do their analysis solely on their personal interest at heart or better still based on personal vendetta because when they were given the opportunity to serve, they failed to normalize the sector in which they were entrusted with. Also, we all bear witness to the illegality their own financial institution went through due to lack of proper management’s structures and models but these so-called analysts without recourse to the benefits the ordinary people may be getting constantly throw empty unfounded analyses out there. 

What amazes me is that Mr Kofi Amoah made a statement by describing the flyovers as concrete with debt hanging, without considering the motive for building flyovers, flyovers are built to ease traffic but this traffic most times deprive people of great opportunities by delaying them.

People try to paint the sitting government black because these contracts were not awarded to their party affiliates or close pals because he or she is not directly benefiting from it.

Let us not be deceived by these men who are quick to judge or speak negatively about the government, we know globally we are in difficult times but let us keep on praying for the government because this government is working tirelessly to bring back our economy to track.
Let us think as intellects and support this government to accomplish the vision he carries for us as a Nation.

… Signed…