Effiduase bomeng declares support for npp youth organizer hopeful, Prince Kamal

The New Patriotic Party (NPP) elders in Effiduase Bomeng of the Ashanti region has rallied behind National Youth Organizer hopeful, Prince Kamal Gumah, as their favourite after the fulfilment of an early pledge.

At the recent Ashanti Regional Delegates Conference, Prince Kamal fully participated and also used the opportunity to familiarize himself with the elders of the Effiduase Bomeng township.

“I visited elders of the Effiduase  Bomeng in the Ashanti Region to discuss the upcoming NPP National Election and to inform them about my intention to serve the Youth of the party as National Youth Organizer when the time comes,” he disclosed.

Following this development, the elders in their response welcomed the idea and declared their support for his bid in coming to serve as the Youth Organizer of the NPP.

 The elders used the opportunity to appeal to him for support in clearing the community’s cemetery and keeping the place tidy.

“I promised the elders I will ensure their request was honoured. I can confidently say that pledge has been fulfilled and the cemetery has been cleared with the necessary tidy up of unwanted weeds.”

The community expressed their delight and satisfaction to team PKG for fulfilling his pledge.

Prince Kamal, ever since the declaration of his intention to contest, appears to be revealing and more appealing to the grassroots people.

Undoubtedly, Prince Kamal is gradually catching the attention and eye of the most important key influencers within the ruling party.




Source: Mypublisher24.com