Energy security at forefront as Ghana seeks collaboration with Saudi Arabia at Riyadh Forum

Minister for Energy, Dr. Matthew Opoku Prempeh, has signalled the country’s keenness to collaborate with Saudi Arabia in bolstering the country’s energy security.

Speaking at a meeting with Prince Abdulaziz bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, the Saudi Energy Minister, on the sidelines of the World Economic Forum’s Special Meeting in Riyadh, Dr. Prempeh underscored the critical role of energy security in Ghana’s economic growth agenda.

“I believe collaborating to ensure energy security will further deepen the frontiers of Ghana’s bilateral relations with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and I have no doubt, it will have far-reaching benefits for our energy future,” the Minister quipped.

Discussions between the two ministers revolved around potential collaborations spanning various facets of the energy sector, including the Oil for Sustainability Programme and initiatives promoting clean cooking.

The meeting reflects Ghana’s proactive stance in seeking strategic partnerships to advance its energy objectives.

Against the backdrop of escalating global warming concerns and persistent energy access disparities, the Riyadh forum emerged as a pivotal platform for catalyzing a sustainable energy transition.

With energy ministers and experts from around the world in attendance, the event served as a crucible for identifying financial, technological, and policy solutions aimed at accelerating the adoption of clean energy alternatives while fostering inclusive growth.

Dr. Prempeh’s participation in the forum underscores Ghana’s commitment to navigating the complex energy landscape and underscores its willingness to engage in international dialogues to achieve its energy aspirations.

As nations grapple with the imperative of transitioning to sustainable energy systems, collaborative endeavors like these are essential in forging a path toward a more resilient and equitable energy future.

energy securityRiyadh ForumSaudi Arabia