Faith in the name of Jesus: Living word devotional by Pastor Mensah Otabil


Sunday 30th April 2023


Scripture Reading: Acts 3:1-16

And His name, through faith in His name, has made this man strong, whom you see and know. Yes, the faith which comes through Him has given him this perfect soundness in the presence of you all.” Acts 3:16

The first healing miracle that was worked by the disciples of Jesus after His resurrection occurred in front of the Temple in Jerusalem. A paralyzed man who begged in front of the Temple was healed through Jesus’ disciples, Peter, and John.

Also read:

As the people gathered, they wondered how such a miracle could be done by the disciples. Peter explained that the miracle had happened through faith in the name of Jesus. The following lessons emerge from Peter’s submission:

• Know the power in the name of Jesus. The name of Jesus is powerful all by itself. When Jesus rose from the dead, the Father had given Him a name that was above every other name, at the mention of which every knee bowed.

You do not need to shout or do anything to make the name of Jesus powerful. It is already powerful.

• Have faith in the name of Jesus. Though the name of the Lord is powerful by itself, Peter and John exercised faith in it. They did not exercise faith in themselves or their own power. It is like having a key that can open a door. You can choose to hit or punch the door because the key looks too small in your hands.

Many people think that faith in Jesus’ name is too simple. They are therefore tempted to add some other objects or tokens to make it more efficacious. Anytime you pray in the name of Jesus, you must have faith in the name.

• Speak in the name of Jesus. When Peter and John spoke to the paralyzed man, they spoke in the name of Jesus. Similarly, when we pray or command by faith, we must do so in the name of Jesus.

For faith to be activated, we must declare it. The meditations of our heart are important, but we must also activate the words of our mouth.

In the coming week, we must recognize the power in the name of Jesus, have faith in it, and speak in the name of Jesus. As we do so, we will see His power at work in our lives.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank you that signs, wonders, and miracles follow me. In Jesus’ name, Amen.✊🙌🔥🔥🔥💥

FaithLiving word devotionalname of Jesus