Ernest Addison Is A Competent Professional Of Quiet Courage- Ofori Atta

Finance Minister Ken Ofori Atta, has reaffirmed his faith in the Grosvenor of the Central Bank of Ghana.

According to him Mr. Ernest Addison who he described as “Governor Addison is a competent professional of quiet courage.”

“In these nearly seven years, we have worked together to ensure: the inviolability of the banking system; the establishment of the Consolidated Bank of Ghana (CBG) and the Development Bank of Ghana; the raising of over $10 billion in the Eurobond market and AfriExim bank.”

Mr. Ofori Atta argued in his latest write up that it is either simply the height of irony or a sad reflection of the state of public discourse in our country that this man, steps up in a period of unprecedented global economic meltdown and domestic economic crises, and he is being pilloried for his good work.

Vouching for the competence of Mr. Addison, the Finance Minister noted that the Bank of Ghana Boss brought inflation down to single digits of 7.9% for the first time; and managed an impressive period of currency stability in our country including the implementation of the Goldfor-Oil programme.

“The challenges that confront us are surmountable, as we can all bear witness to the fact that the economy is beginning to turn the corner, and we are confident that “He who began a good work in [us] will carry it on to completion” Some developments appear expensive in the short term but will actually turn out to provide the right impetus for more innovation and reforms and a can-do spirit for the long term. l will urge this mindset for us to address our common future. I therefore ask for restraint in our choices and actions as we pursue our democratic rights National cohesion should remain paramount for us all” the article read in part.

“We have in the past few weeks successfully completed the DDEP with over 90% tendering of cocoa bills, domestic dollar bonds, and pension fund investments while making the first DDEP coupon payments of GHS2.4 billion to honour the government’s obligation to domestic bondholders on 22nd August 2023 and about GHS2.3 billion on 5th September 2023 to pension funds bondholders. We are in like manner, looking forward to successful negotiations with the Paris Club and our Eurobond investors” he stated.

This, Mr. Ofori Atta maintained should be a period to build hope and hitch all our wagons together in order to take our community across the Jordan.

“This is a period in which we must as a nation work with equanimity and dispel any cloud of nihilism.  We cannot continue to contend with the old Promethean punishment which frustrates the steady regeneration of our economy. We must be mindful and deliberate in fighting with a fierce sense of urgency to guarantee economic freedom and social mobility for all and critically social cohesion. We must work together with a spirit to build up and not to tear down, as we progress our democracy.”

Source Kofi Yirenkyi

Finance Minister